首页> 外文期刊>Russian Journal of Plant Physiology >Effect of Defoliation or Excision of Growing Axillary Shoots on the Composition of Labeled Products of Photosynthesis in the Leaves and Xylem Sap of Kidney Bean

Effect of Defoliation or Excision of Growing Axillary Shoots on the Composition of Labeled Products of Photosynthesis in the Leaves and Xylem Sap of Kidney Bean


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The content of ~(14)C in the products of photosynthesis of the source leaf and xylem sap was investigated in kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants during the stage of mass tillering. C partition was measured a day after two-minute photoassimilation of ~(14)CO_2 by an individual mature leaf located in the middle part of the shoot. The source-sink relations were disturbed by the excision of all mature leaves (except the source leaf) or all growing axillary shoots. The leaves or growing axillary shoots were excised 15 min after leaf feeding with ~(14)CO_2. A day later, in plants with excised growing axillary shoots, the content of ~(14)C in the source leaf was by 18% higher and in those with removed leaves by 15% lower than in control plants. Thenext day after the excision of growing axillary shoots, radioactivity of the xylem sap increased; after defoliation, both the volume of the xylem sap and its specific radioactivity decreased. In the xylem sap of defoliated plants, the proportion of ~(14)C in malate decreased more than six times, whereas the proportion of ~(14)C in amino acids somewhat increased (1.5 times). In two days, the volume of the xylem sap exuded by treated plants became the same as in control plants and its radioactivity decreased almost by an order of magnitude but essentially did not differ in the both types of treatment. It is concluded that the processes occurring in the roots are governed by photosynthesis but its regulatory effect is limited by a photoperiod and largelydepends on changes in the ratio between biosynthesis of amino acids in the roots and leaves.
机译:在分till阶段,研究了芸豆(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)植物源叶和木质部汁液光合作用产物中〜(14)C的含量。在位于枝条中间的单个成熟叶片对〜(14)CO_2光吸收两分钟后的第二天,测量了C分配。所有成熟叶片(源叶片除外)或所有正在生长的腋生芽的切除都干扰了源-库关系。用〜(14)CO_2饲喂叶片后15分钟将叶片或正在生长的腋生芽切下。一天后,在已切除腋生芽的植物中,与对照植物相比,源叶中〜(14)C的含量高出18%,而叶片被去除的植物中〜(14)C的含量低15%。在切除正在生长的腋生芽后的第二天,木质部汁液的放射性增加。落叶后,木质部汁液的体积及其比放射性均降低。在落叶植物的木质部汁液中,苹果酸中〜(14)C的比例下降了六倍以上,而氨基酸中〜(14)C的比例有所增加(1.5倍)。在两天内,处理过的植物渗出的木质部汁液的体积变得与对照植物中的相同,并且其放射性几乎降低了一个数量级,但在两种处理类型中基本没有差异。可以得出结论,发生在根部的过程受光合作用的控制,但其调节作用受光周期的限制,并且很大程度上取决于根部和叶片中氨基酸的生物合成比例的变化。



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