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Drought enhances symbiotic dinitrogen fixation and competitive ability of a temperate forest tree.


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General circulation models project more intense and frequent droughts over the next century, but many questions remain about how terrestrial ecosystems will respond. Of particular importance, is to understand how drought will alter the species composition of regenerating temperate forests wherein symbiotic dinitrogen (N2)-fixing plants play a critical role. In experimental mesocosms we manipulated soil moisture to study the effect of drought on the physiology, growth and competitive interactions of four co-occurring North American tree species, one of which (Robinia pseudoacacia) is a symbiotic N2-fixer. We hypothesized that drought would reduce growth by decreasing stomatal conductance, hydraulic conductance and increasing the water use efficiency of species with larger diameter xylem vessel elements (Quercus rubra, R. pseudoacacia) relative to those with smaller elements (Acer rubrum and Liriodendron tulipifera). We further hypothesized that N2 fixation by R. pseudoacacia would decline with drought, reducing its competitive ability. Under drought, growth declined across all species; but, growth and physiological responses did not correspond to species' hydraulic architecture. Drought triggered an 80% increase in nodule biomass and N accrual for R. pseudoacacia, improving its growth relative to other species. These results suggest that drought intensified soil N deficiency and that R. pseudoacacia's ability to fix N2 facilitated competition with non-fixing species when both water and N were limiting. Under scenarios of moderate drought, N2 fixation may alleviate the N constraints resulting from low soil moisture and improve competitive ability of N2-fixing species, and as a result, supply more new N to the ecosystem.
机译:总体环流模型预测下个世纪将出现更严重,更频繁的干旱,但是关于陆地生态系统将如何应对仍然存在许多问题。特别重要的是要了解干旱如何改变再生温带森林的物种组成,其中固定共生双氮(N 2 )的植物起着关键作用。在实验性中观世界中,我们操纵了土壤湿度,研究干旱对四种同时存在的北美树种(其中Robinia pseudoacacia)是一种共生的N 2 物种的生理,生长和竞争相互作用的影响。 -fixer。我们假设,相对于较小直径的木质部脉管元素(栎木,拟金丝桃),干旱会降低气孔导度,水力传导率并提高水分利用效率,从而降低生长速度。我们进一步假设,伪阿拉伯树对N 2 的固定会随着干旱而下降,从而降低其竞争能力。在干旱下,所有物种的生长都下降了。但是,生长和生理反应与物种的水力结构不符。干旱使假阿拉伯树根瘤菌的根瘤生物量和氮积累增加了80%,相对于其他物种,其生长得到改善。这些结果表明,干旱会加剧土壤氮素的缺乏,假单胞菌对N 2 的固定能力促进了水分和氮素限制条件下与非固定菌的竞争。在中度干旱的情况下,N 2 固着可以缓解土壤水分不足导致的N约束,提高N 2 固着物种的竞争能力,从而供应生态系统中有更多新氮。



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