首页> 外文期刊>Revue Forestiere Francaise >A forest that serves as an example: the Gabor woods (Tarn) - its misadventures from the 13th to the 21st centuries. [French]Original Title Une foret exemplaire: le bois de Gabor (Tarn), ses avatars du XIIIe au XXIe siecle.

A forest that serves as an example: the Gabor woods (Tarn) - its misadventures from the 13th to the 21st centuries. [French]Original Title Une foret exemplaire: le bois de Gabor (Tarn), ses avatars du XIIIe au XXIe siecle.

机译:以森林为例:Gabor树林(塔恩省)-从13世纪到21世纪的大灾难。 [英语]原始标题一个典型的森林:Gabor(塔恩省)的树木,其化身从十三世纪 e 到二十一世纪 e 世纪。

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The tiny ancient royal forest (30 ha) of Gabor, still intact since the 17 th century, has an extraordinary history. It belonged to the Counts of Toulouse since 1221, then became the property of the King in 1271 and in 1541 was subjected to the reformation. It was almost completely cleared for the purpose of growing woad, for which there was a flourishing market at the time. What remained of the forest was subjected to the coppice-with-reserves system but ruined by the officers in charge of tending to it. In 1666, Louis de Froidour notes that the oldest tree it contained was only 7 years old. Not wanting to use either the simple coppice or the high forest system on such a small surface area, he designed a long term plan for selecting standards, thus inventing the coppice-with-standards system. It was recorded in 1724 that his instructions were followed to the letter. The forest was sold as national property in 1796 and to this day has maintained many traces of its prestigious but little known past.
机译:盖博(Gabor)这座古老的皇家小树林(30公顷)自17世纪以来一直完好无损,历史悠久。自1221年以来,它属于图卢兹伯爵,然后在1271年成为国王的财产,并在1541年进行了改革。出于增长的目的,它几乎被完全清除了,当时市场非常旺盛。森林的剩余部分受制于带有保留的小灌木林系统,但被负责照管该林的官员破坏。 1666年,路易斯·德·弗罗德里(Louis de Froidour)注意到它所包含的最古老的树只有7年的历史。他不想在这么小的表面积上使用简单的小灌木林或高森林系统,而是设计了一个长期计划来选择标准,从而发明了“小灌木林与标准”系统。据记载,他的指示是在1724年遵循的。该森林于1796年作为国家财产出售,至今仍保留着其久负盛名但鲜为人知的过去的痕迹。



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