首页> 外文期刊>Reproductive sciences >The common single-nucleotide polymorphism rs2681472 is associated with early-onset preeclampsia in Northern Han Chinese women

The common single-nucleotide polymorphism rs2681472 is associated with early-onset preeclampsia in Northern Han Chinese women


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Preeclampsia, characterized by hypertension and proteinuria, remains a leading cause of maternalmorbidity and mortality. Recently, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified the single-nucleotide polymorphism, rs2681472, as a new hypertension susceptibility genetic variant. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between preeclampsia and rs268172 in a Northern Han Chinese population. We genotyped 1218 unrelated Northern Han Chinese women, including 515 patients with preeclampsia and 703 healthy controls. No significant differences were detected in the allele frequencies between patients and controls (P = .23). When patients were divided into early-onset and late-onset preeclampsia according to gestational age of disease onset, the allele frequencies significantly differed between controls and patients with early-onset preeclampsia (P = .02). Genotype frequencies also were significantly different between controls and patients early-onset preeclampsia when data were analyzed under additive (P = .03) and dominant (P = .009)models. We replicated this association in an independent Northern Han Chinese population and observed a significant difference in the allele frequencies between patients with early-onset preeclampsia and controls (P = .011).We report that rs2681472 is associated with early-onset preeclampsia in Northern Han Chinese women.
机译:以高血压和蛋白尿为特征的先兆子痫仍然是孕产妇发病和死亡的主要原因。最近,全基因组关联研究(GWAS)确定了单核苷酸多态性rs2681472作为新的高血压易感性遗传变异。本研究的目的是评估北方汉族人群中先兆子痫与rs268172之间的关联。我们对1218名不相关的北汉族女性进行了基因分型,包括515例先兆子痫患者和703名健康对照者。患者和对照组之间的等位基因频率没有发现显着差异(P = 0.23)。当根据疾病发作的胎龄将患者分为早期发作和晚期发作先兆子痫时,对照组和患有早期发作的先兆子痫的患者之间的等位基因频率显着不同(P = .02)。当在加性(P = .03)和显性(P = .009)模型下分析数据时,对照组和患者早发先兆子痫之间的基因型频率也显着不同。我们在一个独立的北汉族人群中复制了这种关联,并观察到早发先兆子痫患者和对照组之间等位基因频率存在显着差异(P = .011)。我们报道rs2681472与北汉人的早发先兆子痫相关中国妇女。



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