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Microstructure observations during the spring 2011 STRATIPHYT-II cruise in the northeast Atlantic


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Small-scale temperature and conductivity variations have been measured in the upper 100 m of the northeast Atlantic during the STRATIPHYT-II cruise (Las Palmas-Reykjavik, 6 April-3 May 2011). The measurements were done at midday and comprised 2 to 15 vertical profiles at each station. The derived turbulent quantities show a transition between weakly-stratified (mixed layer depth, MLD, <100) and well-mixed waters (MLD > 100), which was centered at about 48°N. The temperature eddy diffusivities, K_T, range from 10~(-5) to 100 m~2 s~(-1) in the weakly-stratified stations, and range from 3 × 10~(-4) to 2 × 100 m~2 s~(-1) in the well-mixed stations. The turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates, μ, range from 3 × 10~(-8) to 2 × 10~(-6) m~2 s~(-3) south of the transition zone, and from 10~(-7) to 10~(-5) m~2 s~(-3)north of the transition zone. The station-averaged K_T values throughout the mixed layer increase exponentially with the wind speed. The station-averaged μ values throughout the mixed layer scale with the wind stress similarity variable with a scaling factor of about 1.8 in the wind-dominated stations (epsilon approx; 1.8 ≈~3(-κz)). The values of K_T and μ are on average 10 times higher compared to the values measured at the same stations in July 2009. The results presented here constitute a unique data set giving large spatial coverage of upper ocean spring turbulence quantities.
机译:在STRATIPHYT-II航行期间(2011年4月6日至5月3日,拉斯帕尔马斯-雷克雅未克),在东北大西洋的上部100 m测量了小规模的温度和电导率变化。测量在中午进行,每个站点包括2到15个垂直剖面。得出的湍流量显示出在弱分层(混合层深度,MLD,<100)和充分混合的水(MLD> 100)之间的过渡,该过渡的中心为约48°N。弱分层站的温度涡度扩散系数K_T为10〜(-5)〜100 m〜2 s〜(-1),范围为3×10〜(-4)〜2×100 m〜在混合站中2 s〜(-1)。过渡带以南的湍动能耗散率μ为3×10〜(-8)至2×10〜(-6)m〜2 s〜(-3),范围为10〜(-7 )到过渡区北10〜(-5)m〜2 s〜(-3)。整个混合层的站点平均K_T值随风速呈指数增长。整个混合层的站点平均μ值在风主导站点中具有风应力相似性变量,缩放因子约为1.8(ε约为1.8≈〜3(-κz))。与2009年7月在同一站点测得的值相比,K_T和μ的值平均要高10倍。这里给出的结果构成了一个独特的数据集,在空间上覆盖了较大的海洋春季湍流量。



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