首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Induction of labor in the nineties: conquering the unfavorable cervix.

Induction of labor in the nineties: conquering the unfavorable cervix.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy, safety, and duration of induced labor using an integrative approach (prostaglandin, amniotomy, oxytocin) and to depict these findings graphically. METHODS: Five hundred ninety-seven pregnancies requiring induction of labor between October 1993 and May 1995 were analyzed prospectively. Patients were categorized by Bishop score at entry and by parity for comparison of success of induction, maternal and fetal complications, and duration of labor. RESULTS: The women who had a Bishop score at entry of 3 or less had significantly higher rates of failed induction (9.4 versus 0.7%, P < .01) and of cesarean delivery (29 versus 15.4%, P < .01) than those with a Bishop score above 3. Compared with spontaneous labor, the rates of cesarean delivery in induced labor remained significantly elevated. Complications of induction were infrequent, regardless of Bishop score. The time from initiation of induction to achievement of active phase was significantly longer in women with lower Bishop scores. CONCLUSION: Regardless of cervical status and parity, vaginal delivery can be anticipated in the majority of patients undergoing labor induction. The induction characteristics described may assist in the management of induced labor.
机译:目的:使用综合方法(前列腺素,羊膜切开术,催产素)确定引产的疗效,安全性和持续时间,并以图形方式描绘这些发现。方法:对1993年10月至1995年5月间需要引产的597例孕妇进行了前瞻性分析。根据入院时的Bishop评分和均等对患者进行分类,以比较引产成功率,母婴并发症和分娩持续时间。结果:入围时Bishop得分为3或更低的女性的引产失败率(9.4比0.7%,P <.01)和剖宫产的发生率(29比15.4%,P <.01)显着更高。 Bishop得分高于3。与自发分娩相比,引产的剖宫产率仍然显着提高。不论Bishop评分如何,诱导并发症很少见。 Bishop得分较低的女性从诱导开始到达到活跃期的时间明显更长。结论:无论宫颈状况和性别如何,大多数接受引产的患者均可预期阴道分娩。所描述的归纳特性可以有助于引产的管理。



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