首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Persistence of penicillin G benzathine in pregnant group B streptococcus carriers.

Persistence of penicillin G benzathine in pregnant group B streptococcus carriers.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine if streptococcicidal levels of penicillin G benzathine can be detected in maternal serum 4 weeks after treatment with 4.8 million units. METHODS: Thirty-seven pregnant women with positive group B streptococcus vaginal or urine cultures were each given 4.8 million units of penicillin G benzathine. Maternal blood samples were collected after injection and at delivery. Serum penicillin levels were measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Follow-up cultures were done when possible. RESULTS: None of the patients had serum penicillin levels below 0.20 microgram/mL 30 days after treatment. Cord blood levels were approximately 50% lower than maternal levels. In all but three subjects, cord blood levels exceeded 0.06 microgram/mL, the minimal inhibitory concentration for group B streptococcus. The three exceptions were patients who delivered more than 100 days after treatment. Group B streptococcus cultures were negative at the time of delivery in 72% of cases. None of the patients with positive cultures were moderately or heavily colonized. CONCLUSION: In pregnant women, penicillin G benzathine levels are high enough to inhibit the growth of group B streptococcus for more than 4 weeks after injection with 4.8 million units. Further studies are needed to evaluate whether this regimen can prevent neonatal colonization and invasive group B streptococcus disease.
机译:目的:确定用480万单位治疗后4周,母体血清中是否可以检测出青霉素G苄星的链球菌杀伤水平。方法:对37例B组链球菌阴道或尿液阳性的孕妇分别给予480万份青霉素G苄星胺。注射后和分娩时收集母体血液样品。通过高压液相色谱法测定血清青霉素水平。在可能的情况下进行随访。结果:治疗后30天,没有患者的青霉素血清水平低于0.20微克/ mL。脐带血水平比母亲水平低约50%。除三名受试者外,所有受试者的脐血水平均超过B组链球菌的最低抑制浓度0.06微克/毫升。三个例外是在治疗后分娩100天以上的患者。在72%的病例中,分娩时B组链球菌培养阴性。培养阳性的患者均无中度或重度定植。结论:在孕妇中,注射480万个单位后,青霉素G苄星水平高到足以抑制B组链球菌生长超过4周。需要进一步研究以评估该方案是否可以预防新生儿定植和侵袭性B组链球菌疾病。



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