首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Previous Preterm Cesarean Delivery and Risk of Subsequent Uterine Rupture.

Previous Preterm Cesarean Delivery and Risk of Subsequent Uterine Rupture.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine if women with a history of a previous preterm cesarean delivery experienced an increased risk of subsequent uterine rupture compared with women who had a previous nonclassic term cesarean delivery. METHODS: A prospective observational study was performed in singleton gestations that had a previous nonclassic cesarean delivery from 1999 to 2002. Women with a history of a previous preterm cesarean delivery were compared with women who had a previous term cesarean delivery. Women who had both a preterm and term cesarean delivery were included in the preterm group. RESULTS: A prior preterm cesarean delivery was significantly associated with an increased risk of subsequent uterine rupture (0.58% compared with 0.28%, P<.001). When women who had a subsequent elective cesarean delivery were removed (remaining n=26,454) women with a previous preterm cesarean delivery were still significantly more likely to sustain a uterine rupture (0.79% compared with 0.46%, P=.001). However, when only women who had a subsequent trial of labor were included, there was still an absolute increased risk of uterine rupture, but it was not statistically significant (1.00% compared with 0.68%, P=.081). In a multivariable analysis controlling for confounding variables (oxytocin use, two or more previous cesarean deliveries, a cesarean delivery within the past 2 years, and preterm delivery in the current pregnancy), patients with a previous preterm cesarean delivery remained at an increased risk of subsequent uterine rupture (P=.043, odds ratio 1.6, 95% confidence interval 1.01-2.50) compared with women with previous term cesarean delivery. CONCLUSION: Women who have had a previous preterm cesarean delivery are at a minimally increased risk for uterine rupture in a subsequent pregnancy when compared with women who have had previous term cesarean deliveries. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II.
机译:目的:确定与先前非经典足月剖宫产的妇女相比,既往有早产剖宫产史的妇女随后发生子宫破裂的风险是否增加。方法:前瞻性观察性研究是在1999年至2002年曾进行过非经典剖宫产的单胎妊娠中进行的。将有过早产剖宫产史的妇女与以前进行过剖宫产的妇女进行了比较。早产和足月剖宫产的妇女都包括在早产组中。结果:早产早产剖宫产与随后子宫破裂的风险增加显着相关(0.58%比0.28%,P <.001)。当切除了随后进行选择性剖宫产的妇女(n = 26,454)时,先前进行过早产剖宫产的妇女子宫破裂的可能性仍然更高(0.79%比0.46%,P = .001)。但是,当仅包括接受后续分娩试验的妇女时,子宫破裂的绝对危险仍然绝对增加,但统计学上无统计学意义(1.00%比0.68%,P = .081)。在控制混杂变量(催产素的使用,两次或两次以上剖腹产,过去2年内剖宫产,以及当前妊娠的早产)的多变量分析中,以前进行过早产剖宫产的患者仍然有较高的患病风险。与先前足月剖宫产的妇女相比,随后的子宫破裂(P = .043,优势比1.6,95%置信区间1.01-2.50)。结论:与早产剖宫产的妇女相比,早产剖宫产的妇女在随后的妊娠中子宫破裂的风险最小。证据级别:II。



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