首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Diagnosis of placenta previa by transvaginal sonographic screening at 12-16 weeks in a nonselected population.

Diagnosis of placenta previa by transvaginal sonographic screening at 12-16 weeks in a nonselected population.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical significance of placenta previa at 12-16 weeks' gestation found by transvaginal sonographic screening. METHODS: An unselected population of 6428 pregnant women was scanned by transvaginal sonography during 1993-1994 to assess the gestational age and to diagnose major fetal anomalies. The location of the placenta was also recorded systematically. If the edge of the placenta extended over the internal cervical os, this distance was measured with electronic calipers. RESULTS: In 156 of 6428 patients (2.4%), the placental edge extended 15 mm or more over the internal cervical os at 12-16 weeks' gestation. Eight of these patients had placenta previa at delivery. Using this criterion at screening, two cases of placenta previa at delivery were missed. The frequency of placenta previa at delivery in this nonselected population was ten of 6428 (0.16%). CONCLUSIONS: The likelihood of placenta previa at delivery is 5.1% (95% confidence interval 2.2, 9.9) if the placenta extendsat least 15 mm over the internal cervical os at 12-16 weeks' gestation.
机译:目的:通过阴道超声检查发现妊娠12-16周的前置前置胎盘的临床意义。方法:1993年至1994年期间,通过阴道超声检查未选择的6428名孕妇,以评估胎龄并诊断出重大胎儿异常。胎盘的位置也被系统地记录。如果胎盘边缘在宫颈内口上方延伸,则用电子卡尺测量该距离。结果:6428例患者中的156例(占2.4%),胎盘边缘在妊娠12-16周时超过宫颈内腔15 mm或更多。这些患者中有八名在分娩时有前置胎盘。使用此标准进行筛查时,漏诊了两例前置前置胎盘病例。在这个未选择的人群中,前置分娩时前置胎盘的频率为6428的十(0.16%)。结论:如果胎盘在妊娠12-16周时在宫颈内口上方延伸至少15 mm,则分娩时前置胎盘的可能性为5.1%(95%置信区间2.2、9.9)。



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