首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Immediate postpartum perineal examination as a predictor of puerperal pelvic floor dysfunction.

Immediate postpartum perineal examination as a predictor of puerperal pelvic floor dysfunction.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the relation between postpartum perineal trauma and the development of puerperal pelvic floor dysfunctions. METHODS: A prospective study was conducted on 218 primiparae immediately after vaginal delivery. Women were divided in three groups according to perineal trauma: group A (n = 171) intact perineum or superficial tear, group B (n = 39) perineal muscle tears, group C (n = 8) anal sphincter tears with or without disruption of the rectal mucosa. Two months later, each woman was questioned about urogynecologic symptoms and examined by digital test, vaginal perineometry, and uroflowmetric stop test score. RESULTS: No significant difference was found among the groups with regard to the incidence of stress incontinence, frequency/urgency, and urge incontinence, whereas anal incontinence was found more commonly in group C (group C versus group A: P =.003, odds ratio 18.78). No significant difference was found for digital test, perineometry, and uroflowmetric stop test. CONCLUSION: Immediate postpartum perineal examination is not a good predictor of stress incontinence and pelvic floor weakness but could identify women at risk for anal dysfunctions: intact perineum does not exclude the appearance of symptoms related to perineal trauma after vaginal delivery.
机译:目的:确定产后会阴部创伤与产后骨盆底功能障碍发展之间的关系。方法:阴道分娩后立即对218例初产妇进行前瞻性研究。根据会阴创伤将妇女分为三组:A组(n = 171)完整的会阴或浅表性泪液,B组(n = 39)的会阴部肌肉泪液,C组(n = 8)的肛门括约肌泪液有无破裂直肠粘膜。两个月后,每名妇女都被询问了有关妇科的症状,并进行了数字化检查,阴道周线测量和尿流停止试验评分。结果:在压力性尿失禁,频率/尿急和急迫性尿失禁的发生率方面,各组之间无显着差异,而在C组中更常见于肛门性尿失禁(C组与A组:P = .003,赔率比18.78)。数字测试,会阴测量和尿流停止测试没有发现显着差异。结论:产后立即进行会阴检查不能很好地预测压力性尿失禁和骨盆底无力,但可以确定有肛门功能障碍风险的妇女:完整的会阴不能排除阴道分娩后会阴创伤相关症状的出现。



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