首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Multiple anomalies in a fetus exposed to low-dose methotrexate in the first trimester.

Multiple anomalies in a fetus exposed to low-dose methotrexate in the first trimester.


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BACKGROUND: Methotrexate has multiple therapeutic uses in women of reproductive age including treatment for ectopic pregnancy, neoplastic disease, autoimmune disorders, and inflammatory conditions. More frequent use of methotrexate may result in an increased number of exposures in pregnant women and their fetuses. CASE: A 16-year-old gravida 1, para 0 used oral methotrexate treatment of 7.5 mg per day for psoriasis for 2 days at 3.5 weeks postconception. Multiple anomalies were noted on an 18-week ultrasound. Fetopsy revealed craniofacial, axial skeletal, cardiopulmonary, and gastrointestinal abnormalities. CONCLUSION: A minimal, low-dose, brief exposure to methotrexate in the first trimester resulted in a fetus with multiple internal and external malformations. Some of the anomalies (craniofacial and skeletal) have been previously reported with first- trimester methotrexate exposure. This case depicts the association of cardiopulmonary and gastrointestinal abnormalities with methotrexate exposure.
机译:背景:甲氨蝶呤在育龄妇女中有多种治疗用途,包括异位妊娠,肿瘤性疾病,自身免疫性疾病和炎症性疾病的治疗。甲氨蝶呤的更频繁使用可能导致孕妇及其胎儿的暴露量增加。案例:一个16岁的孕妇,第1段,在受孕后3.5周,每天口服7.5毫克甲氨蝶呤治疗牛皮癣,持续2天。在18周的超声检查中发现了多个异常。 Fetopsy显示颅面,轴向骨骼,心肺和胃肠道异常。结论:在妊娠早期,最低剂量,低剂量,短暂接触甲氨蝶呤会导致胎儿具有多种内部和外部畸形。先前已经报道了妊娠中期甲氨蝶呤暴露的某些异常(颅面和骨骼)。该病例描述了心肺和胃肠道异常与甲氨蝶呤暴露的关系。



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