首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Electroejaculation and assisted reproductive techniques for anejaculatory infertility.

Electroejaculation and assisted reproductive techniques for anejaculatory infertility.


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OBJECTIVE: To report our experience with electroejaculation combined with intrauterine inseminations (IUI) and other assisted reproductive technologies. METHODS: Anejaculatory men desirous of fertility were evaluated in our Assisted Reproductive Program. Between March 1991 and December 1994, 26 men (age 24-48) underwent a total of 84 electroejaculations. Causes of anejaculation included spinal cord injury (n = 23) and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (n = 3). Female partners were super-ovulated to improve the pregnancy rate. The success in sperm retrieval and pregnancy rates were determined, and the quality of electroejaculates was evaluated. RESULTS: Seventy-seven of 84 (92%) electroejaculations were successful, defined by retrieval of more than 10 x 10(6) total and more than 10(6) motile spermatozoa. Mean sperm count was 65 million/mL (range 0-569), but mean motility was only 16% (range 0-66). Mean normal morphology was 27% (range 0-71). Ten couples attempted conception. Fifty cycles of IUIs were performed, resulting in four normal term infants and one spontaneous abortion (pregnancy rate 10% per IUI). One patient failed to conceive with eight cycles of IUIs but became pregnant with in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer with micromanipulation using electroejaculates; she delivered a set of healthy twins. Two couples elected donor sperm insemination after failing to conceive by IUI with electroejaculates; both became pregnant. CONCLUSION: Electroejaculation offers an encouraging pregnancy opportunity for anejaculatory men who otherwise are considered infertile. Marked asthenospermia is observed in electroejaculates, the etiology of which remains obscure. Further studies to elucidate the cause may improve pregnancy rates.
机译:目的:报告我们在电射精结合子宫内授精(IUI)和其他辅助生殖技术方面的经验。方法:在我们的辅助生殖计划中对渴望生育的绝经男性进行了评估。在1991年3月至1994年12月之间,有26名男性(24至48岁)共进行了84次电射精。射精的原因包括脊髓损伤(n = 23)和腹膜后淋巴结清扫(n = 3)。对女性伴侣进行了排卵,以提高妊娠率。确定精子取回的成功率和妊娠率,并评估电射精的质量。结果:84次电射精中有77次(92%)成功,其定义为检索到的总射精超过10 x 10(6)和运动精子超过10(6)。平均精子数量为6500万/ mL(范围0-569),但平均运动度仅为16%(范围0-66)。平均正常形态为27%(范围0-71)。十对夫妇尝试受孕。进行了50个IUI循环,导致4例足月婴儿和1例自然流产(每个IUI的妊娠率为10%)。 1例患者未能进行8个疗程的IUI,但怀有体外受精-胚胎移植并通过电射精进行显微操作而怀孕。她提供了一组健康的双胞胎。两对夫妇因IUI无法用电射精孕育出了精子。都怀孕了。结论:电射精术为那些被认为不育的不射精男性提供了令人鼓舞的怀孕机会。在电射精中观察到明显的弱精子症,其病因仍不清楚。进一步研究以阐明原因可能会提高妊娠率。



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