首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Epidural analgesia and active management of labor: effects on length of labor and mode of delivery.

Epidural analgesia and active management of labor: effects on length of labor and mode of delivery.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether cervical dilatation at the time of placement of patient-requested epidural affects cesarean rates or lengths of labors in actively managed parturients. METHODS: The charts of 255 women randomized to active management of labor (n = 125) or control protocols (n = 130) were reviewed and stratified to early epidural placement (up to 4 cm cervical dilatation) versus late placement (more than 4 cm). RESULTS: Women with early epidural placement had shorter labors than those with late placement (11.6 +/- 4.6 versus 13.2 +/- 5.6 hours; P = .02). Active management reduced the length of labor compared with controls regardless of epidural timing, with a reduction of 1.4 hours in early epidural placement (10.9 +/- 4.7 versus 12.3 +/- 4.3 hours; P = .04) and 3.6 hours in those with later placement (11.0 +/- 3.6 versus 14.6 +/- 6.2 hours; P = .004). Cesarean rates did not vary significantly (early 14.5% versus late 7.9%; P = .21). Early epidural placement did not lengthen the second stage of labor or increase operative vaginal delivery rates. CONCLUSION: Early epidural placement did not affect lengths of labor or cesarean rates and was actually associated with shorter labor compared with late epidural placement. Women managed actively in labor, regardless of timing of epidural placement, had shorter labors than controls.
机译:目的:确定在患者要求的硬膜外放置时进行宫颈扩张是否会影响剖宫产率或积极管理产妇的分娩时间。方法:对255名随机分配至积极分娩(n = 125)或对照方案(n = 130)的妇女的图表进行了回顾,并将其分层分为硬膜外早期放置(最大4 cm宫颈扩张)与晚期硬膜外放置(大于4 cm) )。结果:硬膜外早期放置的妇女比晚晚期放置的妇女的分娩时间短(11.6 +/- 4.6对13.2 +/- 5.6小时; P = .02)。与对照组相比,无论硬膜外手术时间多长,积极管理都减少了劳动时间,在硬膜外早期放置减少了1.4小时(10.9 +/- 4.7与12.3 +/- 4.3小时; P = .04)和3.6个小时之后放置(11.0 +/- 3.6与14.6 +/- 6.2小时; P = .004)。剖宫产率没有显着差异(早期14.5%对晚期7.9%; P = 0.21)。早期硬膜外放置并未延长第二产程或增加手术阴道分娩率。结论:与硬膜外晚期相比,硬膜外早期放置不会影响产程或剖宫产率,实际上与较短的分娩时间有关。不管硬膜外放置的时间如何,妇女积极地进行分娩都比对照组的分娩要短。



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