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Fertility and impact of pregnancies on the mother and child in classic galactosemia.


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Despite the high prevalence of premature ovarian failure (POF) and subsequent infertility in galactosemic women, spontaneous pregnancies occur and may not be as rare as is generally assumed. This is important for counseling these women on fertility. The purpose of this review is to assess the occurrence and predicting factors of pregnancy, and to evaluate the impact of pregnancy on the mother's and child's health. The female Dutch galactosemia population (age > 18 years) was studied, and a literature search on articles reporting pregnancy in galactosemic women, published between January 1971 and December 2007, was performed. Twenty-two galactosemic women were studied. Nine women have tried to conceive, of which 4 were successful. Three mothers were diagnosed with POF before the first pregnancy and/or in between pregnancies. In literature, 50 pregnancy reports were found. In 10 pregnancy reports from the literature, the mother's genotype is known. Four women were homozygous for the Q188R mutation, whichequals the incidence of 40-45% of classic galactosemia caused by this mutation. This study challenges the current opinion that the chance of becoming pregnant is small in classic galactosemia. Despite POF in most galactosemic women, pregnancies do occur. The genotype and GALT-activity do not seem to predict the chance of becoming pregnant, whereas the occurrence of spontaneous menarche might. No evidence for the need of additional check-ups during the pregnancy and puerperium was found. Elevations in galactose-metabolites do occur, but without evidence of clinical impact for the mother or the child, although possible long-term effects have not been thoroughly investigated. TARGET AUDIENCE: Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Family Physicians. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After completion of this article, the reader should be able to summarize the purported causes and sequelae of galactosemia, explain the possible sequelae of galactosemia, distinguish alterations of the ovary and the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, identify the frequency of pregnancy and the possible outcome of the offspring, and outline dietary management of patients with galactosemia.
机译:尽管半乳糖血症妇女的卵巢早衰(POF)患病率很高,随后不孕,但仍会发生自发性妊娠,而且可能不像通常所认为的那样罕见。这对于咨询这些妇女的生育能力很重要。这篇综述的目的是评估妊娠的发生和预测因素,并评估妊娠对母亲和孩子健康的影响。研究了荷兰半乳糖血症女性人群(年龄> 18岁),并于1971年1月至2007年12月期间对报道半乳糖血症妇女妊娠的文章进行了文献检索。研究了22名半乳糖血症妇女。九位女性试图受孕,其中四位成功。三名母亲在第一次怀孕之前和/或两次怀孕之间被诊断出患有POF。在文献中,发现了50个怀孕报告。在文献中有10篇怀孕报告中,母亲的基因型是已知的。 Q188R突变为纯合子的四名妇女,这等于该突变引起的经典半乳糖血症的发生率40-45%。这项研究挑战了当前的观点,即经典半乳糖血症的怀孕几率很小。尽管大多数半乳糖血症的女性患有POF,但确实会发生怀孕。基因型和谷丙转氨酶活性似乎不能预测怀孕的机会,而自发初潮的发生则可能。没有证据表明在妊娠和产褥期需要额外的检查。半乳糖代谢物的确发生了升高,但是没有证据表明对母亲或儿童有临床影响,尽管尚未对可能的长期影响进行彻底研究。目标听众:妇产科医生,家庭医师。学习目标:完成本文后,读者应该能够总结出半乳糖血症的据称原因和后遗症,解释半乳糖血症的可能后遗症,区分卵巢和下丘脑-垂体轴的改变,确定妊娠的频率和后代的可能结果,并概述半乳糖血症患者的饮食管理。



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