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Fetal Loss Associated With Excess Thyroid Hormone Exposure.


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Both maternal hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism have adverse effects on pregnancy outcomes. The effects of thyroid hormone (TH) deprivation on the fetus can be studied in infants having congenital hypothyroidism, but this is not the case for those with fetal thyrotoxicosis. This retrospective family study examined the effects of excessive TH in fetuses whose mothers were resistant to TH (THR) secondary to mutations of the TH receptor beta gene. These women maintain an euthyroid state despite high TH levels. The study focused on 167 members of an Azorean family with RTH. Those affected had high serum levels of free thyroxine and triiodothyronine but no suppression of thyrotropin. They had the Arg2 (-->) gln mutation of the TH receptor beta gene.Among 36 couples with complete information, 9 had an affected mother, 9 an affected father, and 18 were unaffected. Miscarriage rates averaged 22.9%, 2.0%, and 4.4%, respectively. Affected mothers had 20 affected and 11 unaffected children, whereas affected fathers had 15 affected and 12 unaffected children. Unaffected infants born to affected mothers were significantly smaller than affected infants. Only in unaffected infants born to affected mothers were blood levels of thyrotropin undetectable.These findings indicate that high levels of TH may have direct toxic effects on fetal development. They include an increased risk of miscarriage and lower birth weights of unaffected infants born to euthyroid mothers with high TH levels. There is no question that even mildly hypothyroid pregnant women should have TH replacement, but it also must be recognized that overreplacement may have adverse effects on the developing fetus.
机译:孕产妇甲状腺功能减退症和甲状腺功能亢进症均会对妊娠结局产生不利影响。可以先天性甲状腺功能减退的婴儿研究甲状腺激素(TH)剥夺对胎儿的影响,但胎儿甲状腺毒症的情况则并非如此。这项回顾性家庭研究检查了母亲体内对TH受体β基因突变继发的TH(THR)有抵抗力的胎儿中过量TH的影响。尽管TH水平较高,这些妇女仍保持甲状腺功能正常。该研究的重点是具有RTH的Azorean家庭的167名成员。那些受影响的人血清中的游离甲状腺素和三碘甲状腺素水平较高,而甲状腺素却没有被抑制。他们有TH受体β基因的Arg2(-> gln)突变。在36对完全了解信息的夫妇中,有9对母亲受影响,对9父亲受影响,还有18对未受影响。流产率分别平均为22.9%,2.0%和4.4%。受影响的母亲有20名受影响的儿童和11名未受影响的孩子,而受影响的父亲有15名受影响的儿童和12名未受影响的孩子。受感染母亲所生的未受影响婴儿比受感染婴儿小得多。这些发现表明,高水平的TH可能对胎儿的发育有直接的毒性作用,只有在受影响的母亲所生的未受影响的婴儿中才能检测到促甲状腺激素的血液水平。这包括高TH水平的甲状腺功能正常的母亲所生的未流产婴儿的流产风险增加和出生体重降低。毫无疑问,即使是轻度甲状腺功能减退的孕妇也应更换TH,但也必须认识到,过度置换可能会对发育中的胎儿产生不利影响。



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