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Disparities in Uptake of BRCA1/2 Genetic Testing in a Randomized Trial of Telephone Counseling

机译:电话咨询随机试验中BRCA1 / 2基因测试的吸收差异。

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Genetic counseling via telephone (TC) has emerged as a potential avenue of care for women at risk of breast and ovarian cancers and open to BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic testing. However, although TC has been shown to be on level with usual care (UC) methods in terms of knowledge, satisfaction, decisional quality, quality of life, and distress, all while yielding high cost savings to the patient and increasing patient accessibility, studies have also shown that patients randomized to TC are less like to complete the genetic testing process. In order to determine the factors leading to lower rates of genetic testing uptake after TC, the authors of this study examined sociodemographic, medical, and psychosocial predictors of genetic testing uptake and evaluated patient-related moderators (knowledge, numeracy, race/ethnicity, education level, etc) in a large cohort of women. In this noninferiority trial, 669 women (21-85 years old) seeking BRCA1/2 genetic testing, with no history of counseling or testing, were randomized into 2 groups, a TC group (n = 335) and an in-person counseling or UC group (n = 334). Measures included sociodemographics, medical history, intentions for risk-reducing surgery, perceived risk of BRCA mutation, perceived risk of breast and ovarian cancer, knowledge, numeracy, decisional conflict, cancer-specific distress, and quality of life. Analysis, logistic regression with backward elimination, was conducted within an intention-to-treat (ITT) sample, which included all randomized participants regardless of genetic counseling session completion, and with a per-protocol (PP) sample, limited to participants who completed genetic counseling as assigned. Within both the ITT and PP samples, genetic testing uptake was lower in the TC group than in the UC group (ITT: 74.9% vs 81.4%, P = 0.04; PP: 84.2% vs 90.1%, P = 0.03). In the ITT population, independently associated significant predictors of completing genetic testing were non-Hispanic white race/ethnicity (odds ratio [OR], 1.96; P = 0.007), randomization to UC (OR, 1.48; P = 0.045), higher knowledge (OR, 1.12; P = 0.018), and lower perceived stress (OR, 0.89; P = 0.017). In the PP sample, independently associated predictors were marital status (OR, 1.85; P = 0.017), objective mutation risk (OR, 1.22; P = 0.007), knowledge (OR, 1.13; P = 0.050), and randomization to UC (OR, 1.65; P =0.050). Considering both ITT and PP analyses, it is of note that knowledge, perceived stress, and objective risk did not interact with group assignment in either analysis (marital status was not tested). In regard to potential moderator variables, the only variable that reached statistical and clinical significance in both samples was race/ethnicity (ITT: P =0.054; PP: P = 0.028). Overall, the strongest moderator affecting genetic testing uptake after TC was race/ethnicity. When randomized to TC, minority women were less likely to complete BRCA1/2 genetic testing. Despite these lower rates, which may be due in part to practical barriers (unlike UC patients, TC patients need to travel to an alternate location to provide a DNA sample), this finding needs to be balanced with the possibility that TC may increase access in the first place. Further studies on availability of TC and its effect on overall rates should be conducted as other modes of delivery emerge for genetic counseling and testing.
机译:通过电话(TC)进行的遗传咨询已成为可能患乳腺癌和卵巢癌的妇女的一种潜在治疗途径,并且可以接受BRCA1和BRCA2基因检测。但是,尽管在知识,满意度,决策质量,生活质量和痛苦方面,尽管已证明TC与常规护理(UC)方法相当,但仍可为患者节省大量成本并增加患者可及性,但研究还显示,随机分配给TC的患者不太喜欢完成基因测试过程。为了确定导致TC后基因测试摄取率降低的因素,本研究的作者检查了基因人口统计学研究的社会人口统计学,医学和社会心理预测因素,并评估了与患者相关的主持人(知识,计算能力,种族/民族,教育程度)级别等)。在这项非劣效性试验中,将669名(年龄在21-85岁之间)寻求BRCA1 / 2基因检测,没有咨询或检测历史的妇女随机分为2组,即TC组(n = 335)和面对面咨询或UC组(n = 334)。措施包括社会人口统计学,病史,降低风险的手术意图,BRCA突变的感知风险,乳腺癌和卵巢癌的感知风险,知识,计算能力,决策冲突,特定于癌症的困扰和生活质量。在意向性治疗(ITT)样本中进行了分析,后向消除的逻辑回归分析,该样本包括所有随机参与者,而与遗传咨询会议的完成情况无关,并且按方案(PP)样本进行,仅限于完成参与者指定的遗传咨询。在ITT和PP样本中,TC组的基因检测摄取均低于UC组(ITT:74.9%vs 81.4%,P = 0.04; PP:84.2%vs 90.1%,P = 0.03)。在ITT人群中,完成基因测试的独立相关的重要预测因素是非西班牙裔白人/种族(优势比[OR],1.96; P = 0.007),随机分配给UC(OR,1.48; P = 0.045),知识较高(OR,1.12; P = 0.018)和较低的感知压力(OR,0.89; P = 0.017)。在PP样本中,独立相关的预测因子为婚姻状况(OR,1.85; P = 0.017),客观突变风险(OR,1.22; P = 0.007),知识(OR,1.13; P = 0.050)和UC随机化(或1.65; P = 0.050)。考虑到ITT和PP分析,值得注意的是,在任何一项分析中,知识,感知的压力和客观风险均与小组分配不相关(未测试婚姻状况)。关于潜在的主持人变量,在两个样本中唯一达到统计和临床意义的变量是种族/民族(ITT:P = 0.054; PP:P = 0.028)。总体而言,影响TC后基因测试摄取的最强调节剂是种族/民族。当随机分配给TC时,少数族裔妇女完成BRCA1 / 2基因检测的可能性较小。尽管这些比率较低,这可能部分是由于实际的障碍(与UC患者不同,TC患者需要前往其他地方以提供DNA样本),但这一发现需要与TC可能增加进入中的可能性之间取得平衡。第一名。随着其他形式的遗传咨询和检测出现,应进一步研究TC的可用性及其对总发生率的影响。


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