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Nondaily contraceptive options user benefits, potential for high continuation, and counseling issues.


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Advances in contraception over the past decade have included an increasing number of methods that do not require daily or coital administration. Currently available reversible nondaily options include the transdermal patch, vaginal ring, contraceptive progestin injection, subdermal etonogestrel implant, levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG IUS), and copper intrauterine device (IUD). These methods have the attributes of convenience, high efficacy, ease of use, noncontraceptive benefits, and reversibility. Each method offers reliable contraception, with its own adverse effects and benefit-risk profile. Clinicians should be well-versed in the available reversible contraceptive methods to adequately counsel their patients. This is particularly pertinent when counseling women about female and male permanent sterilization (tubal ligation or vasectomy). Counseling before tubal ligation or vasectomy should include a review of the benefits of permanent sterilization and the risks unique to these procedures, such as the risks associated with minor surgery, anesthesia, or sedation. Counseling before permanent sterilization should also include the possible loss of noncontraceptive benefits related to hormonal contraception, the permanence of the procedure, risk of regret, and a review of all available contraceptive alternatives. TARGET AUDIENCE: Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Family Physicians. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After completion of this article, the reader should be able to summarize information about non-daily contraceptive options to allow patients to make well-informed decisions, distinguish differences between non-daily contraceptive choices to guide recommendations for care, and generate counseling plans and materials for contraceptive patients.
机译:在过去的十年中,避孕的进步包括越来越多的不需要日常或性生活管理的方法。当前可用的可逆性非每日性选择包括透皮贴剂,阴道环,避孕孕激素注射剂,皮下依托孕酮植入物,左炔诺孕酮子宫内系统(LNG IUS)和子宫内铜器械(IUD)。这些方法具有便利,高效,易于使用,无避孕益处和可逆性的特性。每种方法均提供可靠的避孕方法,并具有其自身的不利影响和受益风险曲线。临床医生应精通可用的可逆避孕方法,以充分咨询患者。当向女性提供有关女性和男性永久绝育(输卵管结扎或输精管切除术)的咨询时,这一点尤为重要。输卵管结扎或输精管结扎术前的咨询应包括对永久绝育的益处以及这些程序独有的风险(例如与小型手术,麻醉或镇静相关的风险)的审查。永久绝育前的咨询还应包括可能与激素避孕有关的非避孕益处的丧失,手术的持久性,后悔的风险以及对所有可用避孕手段的审查。目标听众:妇产科医生,家庭医师。学习目标:完成本文后,读者应能够总结有关非每日避孕选择的信息,以使患者能够做出明智的决定,区分非每日避孕选择之间的差异,以指导治疗建议并提供咨询避孕患者的计划和材料。



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