首页> 外文期刊>Russian Journal of Nematology >Studies on natural occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes in Vietnam

Studies on natural occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes in Vietnam


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A total of 459 soil samples taken from the north to the south of Vietnam and from the coast to the high mountains were studied for the presence of Steinernema and Heterorhabditis. Using the baiting method with wax-moth larvae, 4,8% of all samples proved to be positive for entomopathogenic nematodes, and using direct extraction of the nematodes from soil, 28% of the samples were positive. Ten Steinernema species and four Heterorhabditis species could be distinguished, based mainly on morphological characters of the infective juveniles. Five of these species have been described from Vietnam (Steinernema (ami, S. loci, S. sangi, S. thanhi and Heterorhabditis baujardi). With the exception of H. indica, all the other 'species' found could not be identified; several of the populations isolated appeared to be representatives of undescribed species. The highest diversity of entomopathogenic nematodes was found in forests, with eight Steinernema and three Heterorhabditis species.
机译:研究人员从越南北部到南部以及从沿海到高山总共采集了459个土壤样本,以检测是否存在Steinernema和Heterorhabditis。使用蜡蛾幼虫的诱饵方法,所有样品中有4.8%被证明是昆虫病原线虫的阳性,而直接从土壤中提取线虫的样品中,有28%为阳性。主要根据传染性幼体的形态特征,可以区分出十种Steinernema菌种和四种Heterorhabditis菌种。这些物种中有五种是从越南描述的(Steinernema(ami,S。loci,S。sangi,S。thanhi和B. Heterorhabditis baujardi))。在森林中发现昆虫致病性线虫的多样性最高,其中有8种Steinernema和3种Heterorhabditis。



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