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Disowned by the ownership society: how Native Americans lost their land.


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Over the past five centuries, Europeans have enclosed the global commons and, in the process, incorporated whole continents of aboriginal land. Some scholars argue that Indians in North America were spared the ravages of compulsory enclosure, having sold their land to non-Indians through willing-seller transactions and benefited from federal government trust and treaty policies. Moreover, where enclosure existed, it is widely believed to have ended as Indians converted to agriculture, thereby internalizing hard work, sedentary life styles, and allotted ownership. This study disputes such historical accounts and suggests a wave of new enclosures in accordance with recent U.S. Department of Agricultural minority lending policies. By discriminating against Native American farmers and ranchers, the federal government has enabled the erasure of title, livelihood opportunities, and cultural identity among Indian farming and ranching communities. Evidence from the Fort Berthold Reservation of North Dakota reveals the complex complicity of the federal government in Indian land erasure and points to a changing reservation geography that, even now, makes castaways of agrarian Indians.
机译:在过去的五个世纪中,欧洲人封闭了全球公域,并在此过程中纳入了整个原住民大陆。一些学者认为,北美的印第安人免于遭受强制封闭的破坏,他们通过自愿出售交易将其土地出售给非印第安人,并受益于联邦政府的信任和条约政策。此外,在存在封闭的地方,人们普遍认为它已经结束,因为印第安人转而从事农业,从而使艰苦的工作,久坐的生活方式和分配的所有权内部化。这项研究对此类历史记载提出了质疑,并根据美国农业部最近的少数民族贷款政策提出了一系列新的建议。通过歧视美国原住民的农民和牧场主,联邦政府已经消除了印度农业和牧场社区的所有权,生计机会和文化特征。北达科他州Fort Berthold保留地的证据揭示了联邦政府在印度土地擦除方面的复杂共谋,并指出保留地域的变化,即使到现在仍使印第安人沦为cast徒。



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