首页> 外文期刊>Rural Sociology >The New Landform's Here! The New Landform's Here! We're Somebody Now!! The Role of Discursive Practices on Place Identity

The New Landform's Here! The New Landform's Here! We're Somebody Now!! The Role of Discursive Practices on Place Identity


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On the border of western Iowa, a new landform-the "Loess Hills," is being created While scientific discourse surrounding the landform has been on going for a century, "discovery" of the landfbrm by local residents is a recent occurrence, stimulated by socioeconomic changes resulting from the "farm crisis." As this case study shows, the initial scientific discourse and claims, as presented in a series of publications, established the uniqueness and rarity of the hills in scientific terms. Through a complexity of discursive practices, this internalized scientific community discussion was brought into broader public conversations. Aspects of the discursive practices have been taken on by residents at the local level and appropriation of the "Loess Hills" name and facts attributed to the landfbrm has resulted in reshaping place identity among rural residents and altering the traditional power position within the region, with "hill people" now becoming "Loess Hills People."
机译:在爱荷华州西部的边界上,正在创造一种新的地貌-“黄土丘陵”,而围绕该地貌的科学论述已经进行了一个世纪,但由于受到刺激,当地居民最近发现了地膜“农业危机”导致的社会经济变化。如本案例研究所示,一系列出版物中介绍的最初的科学论述和主张以科学的术语确立了山丘的独特性和稀有性。通过复杂的话语实践,这种内部化的科学共同体讨论被带入了更广泛的公众对话。地方居民采取了这种话语做法,挪用“黄土丘陵”这个名字和土地所有权的事实导致了农村居民的场所身份的重塑,并改变了该地区的传统权力地位。 “山民”现在变成“黄土山民”。



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