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How Glazes Melt: In Search of the Elusive Eutectic


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"Riddle me this," commanded Arthur (Art) Clay as we labored diligently in the studio. "What do art professors lecture about, yet no human being has ever seen? Come to think of it," he added, chewing thoughtfully on the handle of one of my best trimming tools, "no human ever will see it." "Do I get any clues here?" I asked, taking the bait. "It's genuinely important to anyone who works with anything ceramic," he offered. "I thought it might be." I gave him my best can't-you-be-more-helpful look. "Well, although most artists don't realize it, all ceramics make use of it." My glare may have been slightly petulant. "Why, you could even say it's-elemental!" he grinned.
机译:当我们在工作室里努力工作时,亚瑟·克莱(Arthur Clay)指挥说:“这让我感到困惑。”他补充说:“艺术教授讲什么,但还没有人见过?想想看。”他用我最好的修整工具之一仔细地咀嚼着,“没有人会见过。” “我在这里有任何线索吗?”我问,诱饵。他说:“对任何从事陶瓷工作的人来说,这确实很重要。” “我想可能是。”我给了他最好的帮助,你看起来更好。 “好吧,尽管大多数艺术家都没有意识到这一点,但所有陶瓷都利用了它。”我的眩光可能有些刺眼。 “为什么,你甚至可以说这是基本的!”他笑了。



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