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Dynamics of HSPC repopulation in nonhuman primates revealed by a decade-long clonal-tracking study


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In mice, clonal tracking of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) has revealed variations in repopulation characteristics. However, it is unclear whether similar properties apply in primates. Here, we examined this issue through tracking of thousands of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) in rhesus macaques for up to 12 years. Approximately half of the clones analyzed contributed to long-term repopulation (over 3-10 years), arising in sequential groups and likely representing self-renewing HSCs. The remainder contributed primarily for the first year. The long-lived clones could be further subdivided into functional groups contributing primarily to myeloid, lymphoid, or both myeloid and lymphoid lineages. Over time, the 4%-10% of clones with robust dual lineage contribution predominated in repopulation. HSPCs expressing a CCR5 shRNA transgene behaved similarly to controls. Our study therefore documents HSPC behavior in a clinically relevant model over a long time frame and provides a substantial system-level data set that is a reference point for future work.
机译:在小鼠中,对造血干细胞(HSC)的克隆追踪显示了种群特征的变化。但是,尚不清楚类似的属性是否适用于灵长类动物。在这里,我们通过追踪恒河猴中成千上万的造血干细胞和祖细胞(HSPC)长达12年的时间来研究此问题。大约一半的克隆被分析导致长期种群繁殖(超过3-10年),出现在连续的群体中,很可能代表自我更新的HSC。其余的主要用于第一年。可以将长寿命的克隆进一步分为功能组,这些功能组主要有助于髓样,淋巴样或髓样和淋巴谱系。随着时间的流逝,具有强大双重谱系贡献的克隆中有4%-10%在再种群中占主导地位。表达CCR5 shRNA转基因的HSPC的行为与对照相似。因此,我们的研究在很长一段时间内以临床相关模型记录了HSPC行为,并提供了大量的系统级数据集,为将来的工作提供了参考。



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