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Glucose and Glutamine Metabolism Regulate Human Hematopoietic Stem Cell Lineage Specification


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In Figure 4C, the Gr1/Ter119 flow profile presented for the control nonanemic condition (PHZ-, 2-DG-, DON-) in the lower panel is a duplication of the profile for the PHZ+, 2-DG+, DON- condition, although the indicated gated percentages do correspond to the correct original data. We have corrected the figure by replacing the profile in the control panel with the correct data. In Figure 6G, the histograms presented for CD71 staining in the DON and DON + DMK conditions are inadvertent duplications of the corresponding histograms for CD36, shown immediately below. To correct this figure, we have replaced the indicated panels with the correct data for the CD71 staining. In both figures, all panels other than those specifically highlighted remain the same. These unfortunate oversights in figure assembly do not affect our underlying data or conclusions. We apologize for any confusion that these issues have caused, and we wish to thank the anonymous reader for bringing them to our attention.
机译:在图4C中,下方面板中针对控制非贫血条件(PHZ-,2-DG-,DON-)呈现的Gr1 / Ter119流量曲线是PHZ +,2-DG +,DON-条件的曲线的重复,尽管所示的门控百分比确实对应于正确的原始数据。我们已通过用正确的数据替换控制面板中的配置文件来更正该图。在图6G中,DON和DON + DMK条件下CD71染色的直方图是CD36相应直方图的无意重复,如下所示。为了更正此数字,我们用正确的CD71染色数据替换了指示的面板。在两个图中,除特别强调的面板外,所有面板均保持相同。这些对图形装配的不幸疏忽不会影响我们的基础数据或结论。对于这些问题引起的任何困惑,我们深表歉意,并感谢匿名读者引起我们的注意。


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