首页> 外文期刊>Rheumatology international. >Long-term benefit of radon spa therapy in the rehabilitation of rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised, double-blinded trial.

Long-term benefit of radon spa therapy in the rehabilitation of rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised, double-blinded trial.


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This study investigates the effects of radon (plus CO(2)) baths on RA in contrast to artificial CO(2 )baths in RA rehabilitation using a double-blinded trial enrolling 134 randomised patients of an in-patient rehabilitative programme (further 73 consecutive non-randomised patients are not reported here). The outcomes were limitations in occupational context/daily living (main outcome), pain, medication and further quantities. These were measured before the start, after the end of treatment and quarterly in the year thereafter. Repeated-measures analysis of covariance (RM-ANCOVA) of the intent-to-treat population was performed with group main effects (GME) and group x course interactions (G x C) reported. Hierarchically ordered hypotheses ensured the adherence of the nominal significance level. The superiority of the radon treatment was found regarding the main outcome (RM-ANCOVA until 12 months: p (GME) = 0.15, p (GxC) = 0.033). Consumption of steroids (p (GME) = 0.064, p (G x C) = 0.025) and NSAIDs (p(GME) = 0.035, p (G x C) = 0.008) were significantly reduced. The results suggest beneficial long-term effects of radon baths as adjunct to a multimodal rehabilitative treatment of RA.
机译:这项研究使用一项双盲试验招募了134名住院康复计划的随机患者,对RA康复中ra(加CO(2))浴与人工CO(2)浴的效果进行了对比(连续73例)此处未报告非随机患者)。结果是职业背景/日常生活(主要结果),疼痛,药物治疗和更多数量方面的限制。在开始前,治疗结束后以及此后的每个季度中对这些指标进行测量。对意向性治疗人群的协方差(RM-ANCOVA)进行了重复测量分析,并报告了组主要效应(GME)和组x过程相互作用(G x C)。分层排序的假设确保了名义显着性水平的遵守。对于主要结局(RM-ANCOVA直至12个月:p(GME)= 0.15,p(GxC)= 0.033),发现ra治疗的优越性。类固醇(p(GME)= 0.064,p(G x C)= 0.025)和NSAIDs(p(GME)= 0.035,p(G x C)= 0.008)的摄入量显着降低。结果表明,bath浴对RA的多模式康复治疗是有益的长期效果。



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