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A nanopoint Schottky-gate array device: surface defect application and molecular detection


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We have demonstrated a nanopoint Schottky-gate array device (NPSGAD) which can enhance the sensitivity, the signal current output level and the distinguishability by placing numerous ZnO point Schottky-gates in parallel gigantically. By using NPSGADs, we can improve the current output to the order of mA and enhance the CO sensor detection ability to room temperature detection. NPSGADs can achieve the above-mentioned properties based on several designs, e.g. point Schottky-gate can enhance detection response, parallel Schottky-gate can enhance the gas monitor levels and Schottky-gate array can reduce the total resistance for high signal current output. For UV light detection, NPSGADs can achieve a signal current of 8 mA. For room temperature detection of CO, the signal current can be enhanced above 0.25 mA. Note that these signal levels can already be used for commercial application. The gas detection signal also can be improved by increasing the operating temperature; moreover, the current variation averages of CO detection of the NPSGAD are 1.7 mA, 10.1 mA and 14.9 mA at operating temperatures of 150 degrees C, 350 degrees C and 400 degrees C, respectively.
机译:我们已经展示了一种纳米点肖特基门阵列器件(NPSGAD),该器件可以通过将多个ZnO点肖特基门并行地巨大放置来提高灵敏度,信号电流输出水平和可分辨性。通过使用NPSGAD,我们可以将电流输出提高到mA的数量级,并增强CO传感器检测到室温检测的能力。 NPSGAD可以基于多种设计实现上述特性,例如点肖特基门可以增强检测响应,并联肖特基门可以增强气体监测仪的水平,肖特基门阵列可以减少总电阻,以实现高信号电流输出。对于紫外光检测,NPSGAD可以达到8 mA的信号电流。对于室温下的CO检测,可以将信号电流提高到0.25 mA以上。请注意,这些信号电平已经可以用于商业应用。气体检测信号也可以通过提高工作温度来改善。此外,在工作温度为150摄氏度,350摄氏度和400摄氏度时,NPSGAD的CO检测电流变化平均值分别为1.7 mA,10.1 mA和14.9 mA。



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