首页> 外文期刊>Biological trace element research >Comparative Analysis of the Trace Element Content of the Leaves and Roots of Three Plantago Species

Comparative Analysis of the Trace Element Content of the Leaves and Roots of Three Plantago Species


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The primary objective of this study is to perform a comparative analysis of the trace element content of the leaves and roots of three Plantago species (P. maxima Juss. ex Jacq., P. major L., and P. lanceolata L.). Trace element levels were assessed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The data indicate that the leaves of P. lanceolata are characterized by the highest Co, Cr, and Se content, whereas P. maxima leaves contained the greatest levels of Si and Zn. In contrast, the highest concentrations of Co, Cr, Fe, I, Mn, Si, and V were detected in the roots of P. major. Zn content was also higher in P. maxima roots than in the other species analyzed. The toxic trace elements were differentially distributed across the studied species. In particular, P. lanceolata leaves contained significantly higher Al, As, Li, Ni, Pb, and Sr levels, whereas the B and Cd content was elevated in P. major as compared to the other species. Surprisingly, the leaf Hg level was the lowest in P. major, whose levels of Al, As, B, Cd, Ni, Li, and Sr were significantly higher than the other two species. The data indicate that the concentration of most of the essential trace elements was higher in the leaves and roots of P. major and P. lanceolata than in P. maxima, while P. maxima had less toxic metals. The obtained data on trace elements content in Plantago tissues may be taken into account while using plant preparations in practical medicine.
机译:这项研究的主要目的是对三种车前草(P. maxima Juss。ex Jacq。,P。major L.和P. lanceolata L.)叶和根的微量元素含量进行比较分析。痕量元素水平通过电感耦合等离子体质谱法进行评估。数据表明,P。lanceolata的叶片具有最高的Co,Cr和Se含量,而P.maxima叶片的Si和Zn含量最高。相反,在大假根中发现了最高浓度的Co,Cr,Fe,I,Mn,Si和V。最大值体育根中的锌含量也高于其他分析物种。有毒微量元素在所研究的物种中差异分布。特别是,P。lanceolata叶中的Al,As,Li,Ni,Pb和Sr含量明显较高,而P. major中的B和Cd含量则高于其他物种。出人意料的是,大叶烟草中的汞含量最低,其Al,As,B,Cd,Ni,Li和Sr的水平明显高于其他两个物种。数据表明,P。major和P. lanceolata的叶和根中大多数必需微量元素的浓度均高于P. maxima,而P. maxima的毒性金属较少。在实用医学中使用植物制剂时,可以考虑所获得的车前子组织中微量元素含量的数据。



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