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100 years OF RICE RESEARCH: A new technological revolution brings the world together to power research programs


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"The world is experiencing three simultaneous revolutions: in molecular biology and genetics, in computational power and storage capacity, and in communications," observes Dr. Robert Zeigler, director general of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). "The computational revolution allows scientists around the world to tackle almost unimaginably complex problems as a community, and in real time. Although there are no silver bullets, rice production can be revitalized with the help of new technologies." Agricultural research has recently joined the ranks of scientific disciplines that use intricate computations in their research methods.
机译:国际水稻研究所(IRRI)总干事罗伯特·齐格勒博士说:“世界正在同时经历三场革命:分子生物学和遗传学,计算能力和存储能力以及通讯领域。” “计算革命使世界各地的科学家可以实时地解决几乎不可想象的复杂问题。尽管没有灵丹妙药,但可以借助新技术来振兴水稻生产。”农业研究最近加入了在其研究方法中使用复杂计算的科学学科行列。



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