首页> 外文期刊>Rheumatology >Elevated relapse rate under oral methotrexate versus leflunomide for maintenance of remission in Wegener's granulomatosis.

Elevated relapse rate under oral methotrexate versus leflunomide for maintenance of remission in Wegener's granulomatosis.


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OBJECTIVES: Results from open-label trials suggest that methotrexate (MTX) and leflunomide (LEF) are effective for maintenance of remission in Wegener's granulomatosis (WG), but data from randomized controlled clinical trails are not yet available. METHODS: In this multicentre, prospective randomized controlled clinical trial, patients with generalized WG were treated either with oral LEF 30 mg/day or oral MTX (starting with 7.5 mg/week reaching 20 mg/week after 8 weeks) for 2 yrs following induction of remission with cyclophosphamide. The primary endpoint was the incidence of relapses. Secondary outcome parameters were DEI, BVAS, SF-36, cANCA-titre, ESR and CRP. RESULTS: Fifty-four patients were included in the study, 26 in the LEF-limb, 28 in the MTX-limb. In the LEF-group, six patients relapsed after a median time of 7 months, thereof one major relapse with a new pulmonary manifestation. In the MTX-group, 13 relapses occurred in 6 months, of which seven were major: rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (n = 4), pulmonary haemorrhage (n = 2) and one cerebral granuloma. The significantly higher incidence of major relapses in the MTX-limb (P = 0.037) led to premature termination of the study. In the LEF-limb, four patients were withdrawn due to hypertension (n = 2), peripheral neuropathy (n = 1) and leucopenia (n = 1). CONCLUSION: LEF at a dosage of 30 mg/day appears to be effective in the prevention of major relapses in WG, however, this is associated with an increased frequency of adverse events. Further studies testing other dosing regimens of lower doses of LEF are needed to confirm these promising results in larger patients cohorts.
机译:目的:开放标签试验的结果表明,甲氨蝶呤(MTX)和来氟米特(LEF)对于维持Wegener肉芽肿病(WG)的缓解有效,但尚无随机对照临床试验的数据。方法:在这项多中心,前瞻性,随机对照临床试验中,广义WG患者在诱导后2年内接受口服LEF 30 mg /天或口服MTX(从7.5 mg /周开始至8周后每周20 mg /周)治疗2年与环磷酰胺缓解。主要终点是复发的发生率。次要结果参数为DEI,BVAS,SF-36,cANCA滴定度,ESR和CRP。结果:这项研究包括了54名患者,其中LEF肢体26例,MTX肢体28例。在LEF组中,有6例患者在中位时间7个月后复发,其中1例严重复发,并伴有新的肺部表现。在MTX组中,在6个月内发生了13次复发,其中7次是主要的:快速进行性肾小球肾炎(n = 4),肺出血(n = 2)和1例脑肉芽肿。 MTX-肢体中主要复发的发生率明显更高(P = 0.037),导致研究提前终止。在LEF肢体中,有四名患者因高血压(n = 2),周围神经病变(n = 1)和白细胞减少症(n = 1)而退出治疗。结论:LEF剂量为30 mg / day似乎可有效预防WG的主要复发,但是,这与不良事件发生频率增加相关。还需要进一步测试其他低剂量LE​​F的给药方案,以证实在较大的患者队列中这些有希望的结果。



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