首页> 外文期刊>Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias >VNTR for genotyping of Mycobacterium bovis isolates from cattle slaughtered in Baja California, Mexico

VNTR for genotyping of Mycobacterium bovis isolates from cattle slaughtered in Baja California, Mexico


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In Mexico, bovine tuberculosis (TB) is one of the main problems which face the national livestock sector. Currently, there are molecular methods for the detection and genotyping of bovine TB, making it possible to determine the relationship between the different strains present in the region and identify some factors influencing the control and eradication programs of the disease in Baja California. In this work the variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) technique was applied to 11 isolates from cattleslaughtered in a slaughterhouse in Mexicali BC and 10 isolates from cattle slaughtered in a slaughterhouse in Tijuana BC. Specific primers were used to amplify ETR-A, ETR-B, QUB-lla, QUB-llb, QUB-1895, QUB-26, QUB-3232 and QUB-3336 loci, determining therelationship among the isolates, and discriminatory power for each locus in particular and for all loci as a whole. Fourteen allelic profiles were obtained when using eight loci with a discriminatory power of 0.90. The QUB-3336 locus showed the highestdiscriminatory power (h = 0.72) and the ETR-B locus showed no discriminatory power (h = 0.00). In a dendrogram, there were six genetic groups with isolates from Tijuana and Mexicali, but some isolates were observed only in one of these areas. The resultsshowed that the movement of livestock and purchase market in the region has led to the dispersal of strains in these two areas; nevertheless, it is possible to differentiate some isolates exclusive of each region.
机译:在墨西哥,牛结核病是全国畜牧业面临的主要问题之一。当前,有分子方法可用于牛结核病的检测和基因分型,从而有可能确定该地区存在的不同菌株之间的关系,并确定一些影响下加利福尼亚州疾病控制和根除计划的因素。在这项工作中,可变数目串联重复(VNTR)技术被应用于不列颠哥伦比亚省墨西卡利市一间屠宰场屠宰牛的11个分离株和不列颠哥伦比亚省蒂华纳州一所屠宰场屠宰的牛的10个分离株。使用特异性引物扩增ETR-A,ETR-B,QUB-IIa,QUB-IIb,QUB-1895,QUB-26,QUB-3232和QUB-3336位点,确定分离株之间的相关性,以及每种菌株的鉴别力尤其是所有基因座的整个基因座。当使用具有0.90的判别力的八个基因座时,获得了十四个等位基因谱。 QUB-3336位点显示出最高的鉴别力(h = 0.72),而ETR-B位点显示出没有鉴别力(h = 0.00)。在树状图中,有六个遗传群体带有提华纳和墨西卡利的分离株,但仅在这些区域之一中观察到了一些分离株。结果表明,该地区的牲畜和购买市场的动向导致了这两个地区的菌株扩散。但是,可以区分每个区域以外的某些分离株。


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