首页> 外文期刊>RMZ/Materials and Geoenvironment >Geophysical investigation of banded iron ore mineralization at Ero, North - Central Nigeria

Geophysical investigation of banded iron ore mineralization at Ero, North - Central Nigeria


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The banded iron ore mineralization at Ero was investigated using aeromagnetic, resistivity and induced polarization (IP] methods with the aim of characterizing the deposit. Analysis of the aeromagnetic data involved the application of reduced-to-equator transformation, derivative filters, analytic signal and source parameter imaging techniques. Computer modelling of some of the identified anomalies was undertaken. The electrical resistivity and IP methods helped in discriminating between the iron ore and the host rock. The results showed that the banded iron formations (BIFs] were characterized by spherical analytic signal anomalies ranging from 0.035 nT/m to 0.06 nT/m within the granite gneiss and magnetic susceptibility of 0.007-0.014 SI. The iron ore had low chargeability (0.1-5.0 msec] and resistivity (1.5 × 10~2 to 2.5 × 10~3 Ωm]. Structural features trending in the NE-SW, E-W, and NW-SE were identified, suggesting that the area had undergone many episodes of tectonic events. Depth to the BIF varied from the surface up to about 200 m. The chargeability response of the iron bodies suggested an average grade of 20%-40%, making the prospect for economic exploitation attractive.
机译:为了表征矿床,采用航磁,电阻率和感应极化(IP)方法研究了Ero带状铁矿的成矿作用,对航磁数据的分析涉及到赤道变换,微分滤波器,分析信号和源参数成像技术,对一些已发现的异常进行了计算机建模,电阻率和IP方法有助于区分铁矿石和母岩,结果表明带状铁层(BIF)具有球形解析特征花岗岩片麻岩内部的信号异常范围为0.035 nT / m至0.06 nT / m,磁化率为0.007-0.014 SI。铁矿石的带电性低(0.1-5.0 msec),电阻率低(1.5×10〜2至2.5×10 〜3Ωm]。NE-SW,EW和NW-SE的结构特征已被识别,表明该地区经历了多次构造事件。到BIF的h从表面到大约200 m不等。铁体的带电性响应表明平均品位为20%-40%,这使得经济开采的前景诱人。



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