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Crystal structure and functional analysis of DEAD-box protein Dhh1p


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The control of mRNA translation and degradation are critical for proper gene expression. A key regulator of both translation and degradation is Dhh1p, which is a DEAD-box protein, and functions both to repress translation and enhance decapping. We describe the crystal structure of the N- and C-terminal truncated Dhh1p (tDhh1p) determined at 2.1 A resolution. This reveals that, like other DEAD-box proteins, tDhh1p contains two RecA-like domains, although with a unique arrangement. In contrast to eIF4A and mjDEAD, in which no motif interactions exist, in Dhh1p, motif V interacts with motif I and the Q-motif, thereby linking the two domains together. Electrostatic potential mapping combined with mutagenesis reveals that motifs 1, V, and VI are involved in RNA binding. In addition, trypsin digestion of tDhh1p suggests that ATP binding enhances an RNA-induced conformational change. Interestingly, some mutations located in the conserved motifs and at the interface between the two Dhh1 domains confer dominant negative phenotypes in vivo and disrupt the conformational switch in vitro. This suggests that this conformational change is required in Dhh1 function and identifies key residues involved in that transition.
机译:mRNA翻译和降解的控制对于正确的基因表达至关重要。翻译和降解的关键调节因子是Dhh1p,它是一种DEAD-box蛋白,具有抑制翻译和增强脱盖的功能。我们描述了在2.1 A分辨率下确定的N和C端截短的Dhh1p(tDhh1p)的晶体结构。这表明,与其他DEAD-box蛋白一样,tDhh1p包含两个类似RecA的结构域,尽管结构独特。与不存在基序相互作用的eIF4A和mjDEAD相反,在Dhh1p中,基序V与基序I和Q-基序相互作用,从而将两个结构域连接在一起。静电势图与诱变相结合揭示了基序1,V和VI与RNA结合有关。此外,tDhh1p的胰蛋白酶消化表明,ATP结合增强了RNA诱导的构象变化。有趣的是,位于保守基序中和两个Dhh1结构域之间的界面处的某些突变在体内赋予了显性负表型,并在体外破坏了构象转换。这表明在Dhh1功能中需要这种构象变化,并确定该转变中涉及的关键残基。



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