首页> 外文期刊>RMZ/Materials and Geoenvironment >Assessment of heavy metal contamination in paddy soils from Kocani Field (Republic of Macedonia): part II

Assessment of heavy metal contamination in paddy soils from Kocani Field (Republic of Macedonia): part II


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The identification of heavy metals (Ag, As, Cd, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn) mobility and availability in Kocani paddy soils was evaluated by sequential extraction procedure. According to the sum of the water soluble and exchangeable fractions for Ag, As, Cd, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn measured in the paddy soils at Kocani Field, the mobility and bioavailability potential of the heavy metals studied declined in the following order: Cd > Mo > Sb > Zn > Cu > As > Pb > Ni > Ag. Cd was consistently bound to bioavailable and leachable fractions, as were Mo and Sb, which were also significantly present in the oxidisable fraction. Cu and As were mostly linked to the oxidisable fraction, indicating relative mobility under oxidising conditions. The reducible and reducible / residual fractions prevailed for Zn, Pb, Ni, and Ag, signifying a relatively low mobility capacity.
机译:通过顺序提取程序评估了在科卡尼稻田土壤中重金属(Ag,As,Cd,Cu,Mo,Ni,Pb,Sb和Zn)的迁移率和有效性。根据在Kocani田稻田土壤中测得的Ag,As,Cd,Cu,Mo,Ni,Pb,Sb和Zn的水溶性和可交换组分的总和,研究的重金属的迁移率和生物利用度潜力下降。 Cd> Mo> Sb> Zn> Cu> As> Pb> Ni> Ag Cd始终与生物可利用和可浸出的部分结合,Mo和Sb也同样存在于可氧化部分中。 Cu和As主要与可氧化部分相连,表明在氧化条件下的相对迁移率。 Zn,Pb,Ni和Ag的可还原和可还原/残留分数占主导地位,表明迁移率相对较低。



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