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Kenya: the development of private services and the role of the Kenya Veterinary Association


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Private veterinary practice has existed in Kenya for more than half a century. Between the early 1930s and the mid-1960s, provision of clinical and advisory services almost entirely involved servicing commercial ranches and dairy farms. The Departmentof Veterinary Services (VSD) was mainly responsible for providing regulatory services in these areas. Until the mid-1960s, public sector velerinary responsibilities were predominantly associated with the prevention of notifiable diseases outside the commercial farming areas. In a major agrarian reform progrsnmme initiated in 1954, Kenya initiated an aggressive campaign promoting the dairy industry in the wetter areas of the country among small-scale farmers. In an effort to encourage dairy development,the VSD decided to provide some services, mainly tick control and subsidised artificial insemination. This support had a great positive impact on the 'smallholder' dairy industry. After the end of the colonial admiinistration in 1963, most private practitioners left the country. A decision was therefore taken to transfer the responsibility of providing services of a 'private goods' nature, such as clinical services, temporarily to the public sector through the VSD. This was accompanied by significant expansion of training and the deployment of both professional veterinarians and para-professionals. By 1988, personnel costs had escalated to over 80% of the recurrent budget, leaving little for operational costs. This necessitated a policy change, whichled to decreased government involvement in the delivery of animal health services. The private sector, as expected, responded appropriately to the change in policy. The Kenya Veterinary Association (KVA) launched a privatisation scheme (the Kenya Veterinary Association Privatisation Scheme) in 1994 to provide members with credit to set up private practices. The first phase of the scheme (1994-1996) was rated a success, with 100% loan repayments. The second phase of the project (from 1997) was characterised by a low number of loan applications, which increased the cost of loan administration per unit. There was some defaulting in loan repayments during this phase. While private veterinary practice took root in the high rainfall, intensive farming areas,this was not the case in the arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL), where community-based animal health workers (CAHWs) played a prominent role in providing animal health services. The lack of uniformity in the training of these workers denied them recognition by the Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB). An agreement has now been reached between the KVB, the Director of Veterinary Services and the KVA to discontinue the training of CAHWs and to retain and retrain existing workers for disease surveillance and reporting in ASAL areas. In conclusion, private veterinary practice has been successful in areas of high agricultural potential. Expansion to more marginal areas, however, would require incentives or subsidies.
机译:肯尼亚已有超过半个世纪的私人兽医实践。在1930年代初至1960年代中期,提供临床和咨询服务几乎完全涉及为商业牧场和奶牛场提供服务。兽医服务部(VSD)主要负责在这些领域提供监管服务。直到1960年代中期,公共部门的兽医职责主要与商业化农业区域以外的法定传染病的预防相关。在1954年发起的一项重要的农业改革计划中,肯尼亚发起了一项激进的运动,在该国较湿润的地区向小规模农民推广乳制品业。为了鼓励乳制品发展,VSD决定提供一些服务,主要是tick控制和补贴人工授精。这种支持对“小农”乳业产生了巨大的积极影响。 1963年殖民行政结束后,大多数私人从业者离开了该国。因此,决定将提供“私人产品”性质的服务(例如临床服务)的责任通过VSD暂时转移到公共部门。随之而来的是培训的大幅度扩展以及专业兽医和准专业人士的部署。到1988年,人员成本已升至经常预算的80%以上,几乎没有运营成本。这就需要改变政策,导致政府减少对动物保健服务的提供。正如预期的那样,私营部门对政策变化做出了适当的反应。肯尼亚兽医协会(KVA)于1994年启动了私有化计划(肯尼亚兽医协会私有化计划),以向会员提供建立私人业务的信誉。该计划的第一阶段(1994-1996年)被评为成功,偿还了100%的贷款。该项目的第二阶段(从1997年开始)的特点是贷款申请数量少,这增加了单位贷款管理的成本。在此阶段,还贷存在一些违约。尽管私人兽医实践扎根于高降雨,集约化农业地区,但在干旱和半干旱地区(ASAL)却并非如此,在这些地区,社区动物卫生工作者(CAHW)在提供动物卫生方面发挥了重要作用服务。对这些工人的培训缺乏统一性,使他们无法得到肯尼亚兽医委员会(KVB)的认可。 KVB,兽医服务主管和KVA之间已经达成协议,终止对CAHW的培训,并保留和再培训ASAL地区的疾病监测和报告的现有工人。总之,在具有高农业潜力的地区,私人兽医实践是成功的。然而,要扩大到更多的边缘地区,将需要激励措施或补贴。



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