首页> 外文期刊>Revue Scientifique et Technique >Efficacy of a commercial inactivated H5 influenza vaccine against highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in waterfowl evaluated under field conditions.

Efficacy of a commercial inactivated H5 influenza vaccine against highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in waterfowl evaluated under field conditions.


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Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) can cause devastating losses in the poultry industry. In addition, several HPAIV exhibit a zooanthroponotic potential and can cause fatal infections in humans. These attributes particularly apply to HPAIV H5N1 of Asian origin. Due to the absence of overt clinical symptoms, introduction and subsequent spread of HPAIV H5N1 in domestic waterfowl (especially ducks) may occur undetected, which increases the risk of transspecies transmissions to highly vulnerable gallinaceous poultry and mammals, including humans. Humans may also become infected with HPAIV H5N1 by food products from slaughtered, silently infected ducks. Vaccination against HPAIV can raise a protective barrier against an incursion of HPAIV since, at least under experimental conditions, the reproduction factor R0 is lowered to <1, which ensures eradication of the virus. The objective of this study was to analyse whether these results can also be obtained under free-ranging field conditions in commercially reared flocks of goose parents and fattening ducks injected with a licensed, adjuvanted inactivated H5N2 vaccine. The time and labour required for the vaccination of these geese and duck flocks exceeded expected values, mainly due to animal sorting according to foot ring labels. No adverse effects directly associated with vaccination were observed. Serologically, a homogenous H5-specific antibody response was induced. Titres varied with temporal distance from the last application of vaccine. Geese parents were clinically protected against challenge with HPAIV A/Cygnus cygnus/Germany/R65/06 (H5N1), but still could be infected and spread HPAIV H5N1, albeit at lower levels and for shorter periods compared to unvaccinated controls. Fattening Pekin ducks proved to be clinically resistant against challenge virus infection and shed very little virus.
机译:高致病性禽流感病毒(HPAIV)可能会给家禽业造成毁灭性的损失。另外,几种HPAIV表现出人畜共患的潜力,并可能在人类中引起致命的感染。这些属性尤其适用于亚洲血统的HPAIV H5N1。由于没有明显的临床症状,可能未发现HPAIV H5N1在家禽(特别是鸭子)中的引入和随后的传播,这增加了跨物种传播给高度脆弱的鸡种家禽和哺乳动物,包括人类的风险。人类也可能会被屠宰的,无声感染的鸭子的食品感染HPAIV H5N1。针对HPAIV的疫苗接种可以提高针对HPAIV入侵的保护性屏障,因为至少在实验条件下,繁殖因子 R 0 降低至<1,从而确保根除病毒。这项研究的目的是分析在自由放养的田间条件下,在商业饲养的鹅亲和注射有许可的佐剂灭活的H5N2疫苗的育肥鸭群中是否也可以获得这些结果。这些鹅和鸭群的疫苗接种所需的时间和劳力超过了预期值,这主要是由于根据脚环标签对动物进行了分类。没有观察到与疫苗接种直接相关的不良反应。在血清学上,诱导了均一的H5特异性抗体应答。自上次接种疫苗以来,滴度随时间距离而变化。鹅父母在临床上受到保护,可以免受HPAIV A /天鹅绒/德国/ R65 / 06(H5N1)的攻击,但与未接种疫苗的对照组相比,鹅肝父母仍可被感染并传播HPAIV H5N1,尽管水平较低且时间较短。事实证明,育肥的北京烤鸭对临床挑战病毒感染具有抵抗力,并且很少脱落病毒。



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