首页> 外文期刊>Revista brasileira de zoologia >Quali-quantitative analysis of sea-bob-shrimp's ichthyofauna bycatch, at Armacao do Itapocoroy, Penha, Santa Catarina

Quali-quantitative analysis of sea-bob-shrimp's ichthyofauna bycatch, at Armacao do Itapocoroy, Penha, Santa Catarina

机译:在圣卡塔琳娜州Penha的Armacao do Itapocoroy进行的海鲍虾的ichthyofauna兼捕的定量分析

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The ichthyofauna bycatch in sea-bob-shrimp's fishery was monthly studied from August 1996 to July 2003, in the artisanal fishing grounds at Armacao do Itapocoroy, Penha. It had been used two net-of-drag with doors, mesh of 3.0 cm in the sleeve and body and of 2.0 cm in the sacker, pushed for whaleboat with average speed of 2.0 km/h. Mean values of bottom water temperature and salinity remained uniform in a seasonal fluctuation, showing no significant differences among the studied years. A total of 60 species were collected, in which 22 were considered common species along the sampled period. Sciaenidae, Carangidae and Clupeidae families presented the highest number of specimens, accounting to 92% of catches, being Stellifer spp., Paralonchurus brasiliensis and Isopisthus parvipinnis, the dominant species, occurring regularly along the years. Seasonal fluctuations were observed in the abundance and diversity of ichtyofauna, with significant differences observed among the sampled years and biomass, as well as numerical abundance. The monitoring of trawling fishery targeting sea-bob-shrimp may contribute in a way to maintain the exploited stocks and guarantee the subsistence of traditional communities along Santa Catarina's coast.
机译:1996年8月至2003年7月,在Penha的Armacao do Itapocoroy的手工捕鱼场,每月对海鲍虾捕捞中的ichthyofauna兼捕进行研究。它被用于两个带门的拖网,在袖子和主体上的网眼为3.0厘米,在麻袋上的网眼为2.0厘米,被推向鲸船,平均速度为2.0 km / h。底水温度和盐度平均值在季节波动中保持一致,在所研究的年份之间没有显着差异。总共收集了60种,其中22种被认为是采样期间的常见种。 Sciaenidae,Carangidae和Clupeidae家族标本数量最多,占总捕获量的92%,主要种类为Stellifer spp。,巴西Paralonchurus brasiliensis和Isopisthus parvipinnis,这些年来经常出现。在鱼腥草的丰度和多样性中观察到季节性波动,在采样年和生物量以及数值丰度之间观察到显着差异。对以海带虾为目标的拖网渔业进行的监测可能有助于维持被捕捞的种群,并确保圣卡塔琳娜州沿岸传统社区的生存。



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