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Focused Campaign Increases Activity among Participants in Nature's Notebook, a Citizen Science Project


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Science projects, which engage non-professional scientists in one or more stages of scientific research, have been gaining popularity; yet maintaining participants' activity level over time remains a challenge. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential for a short-term, focused campaign to increase participant activity in a national-scale citizen science program. The campaign that we implemented was designed to answer a compelling scientific question. We invited participants in the phenology-observing program, Nature's Notebook, to track trees throughout the spring of 2012, to ascertain whether the season arrived as early as the anomalous spring of 2010. Consisting of a series of six electronic newsletters and costing our office slightly more than 1 week of staff resources, our effort was successful; compared with previous years, the number of observations collected in the region where the campaign was run increased by 184%, the number of participants submitting observations increased by 116%, and the number of trees registered increased by 110%. In comparison, these respective metrics grew by 25, 55, and 44%, over previous years, in the southeastern quadrant of the United States, where no such campaign was carried out. The campaign approach we describe here is a model that could be adapted by a wide variety of programs to increase engagement and thereby positively influence participant retention.
机译:使非专业科学家参与一个或多个科学研究阶段的科学项目越来越受欢迎。但是随着时间的推移保持参与者的活动水平仍然是一个挑战。这项研究的目的是评估一项短期的,有针对性的运动以增加国家规模的公民科学计划参与者活动的潜力。我们实施的运动旨在回答一个令人信服的科学问题。我们邀请了物候观察计划“ Nature's Notebook”的参与者跟踪整个2012年春季的树木,以确定该季节是否早在2010年春季就到达了。由六个电子通讯组成的一系列通讯,使我们的办公室付出了一些成本超过1周的员工资源,我们的努力取得了成功;与往年相比,在开展该运动的地区收集的观测值数量增加了184%,提交观测值的参与者数量增加了116%,注册的树木数量增加了110%。相比之下,在美国东南部的象限中,这些指标在过去几年中分别增长了25%,55%和44%,而该国没有进行过此类运动。我们在此描述的竞选方法是可以被多种计划采用的模型,以增加参与度,从而积极影响参与者的保留率。



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