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Why keep lions instead of livestock? Assessing wildlife tourism-based payment for ecosystem services involving herders in the Maasai Mara, Kenya


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This paper examines the effects of wildlife tourism-based payments for ecosystem services (PES) on poverty, wealth inequality and the livelihoods of herders in the Maasai Mara Ecosystem in south-western Kenya. It uses the case of Olare Orok Conservancy PES programme in which pastoral landowners have agreed to voluntary resettlement and exclusion of livestock grazing from their sub-divided lands. These lands are set aside for wildlife tourism, in return for direct monetary payments by a coalition of five commercial tourism operators. Results show that, on the positive side, PES is the most equitable income source that promotes income diversification and buffers households from the livestock income declines during periods of severe drought, such as in 2008-2009. Without accounting for the opportunity costs, the magnitude of the PES cash transfer to households is, on average, sufficient to close the poverty gap. The co-benefits of PES implementation include the creation of employment opportunities in the conservancy and provision of social services. There is however a need to mitigate the negative effects of PES, including the widening inequality in income between PES and non-PES households and the leakages resulting from the displacement of settlements and livestock to currently un-subdivided pastoral commons.
机译:本文研究了肯尼亚西南部Maasai Mara生态系统中基于野生动植物旅游业的生态系统服务付款(PES)对贫困,财富不平等和牧民生计的影响。它以奥拉雷·奥罗克(Oreare Orok)保护性PES计划为例,在该计划中,牧民土地所有人已同意自愿安置,并将放牧的牲畜从其细分土地中排除。这些土地留给野生动植物旅游,以换取由五家商业旅游经营者组成的联盟直接付款。结果表明,从积极的方面看,PES是最公平的收入来源,可促进收入多样化,并在严重干旱时期(例如2008-2009年),防止家庭因牲畜收入下降而受到缓冲。如果不考虑机会成本,平均而言,将PES现金转移至家庭的规模足以弥补贫困差距。 PES实施的共同利益包括在保护区创造就业机会和提供社会服务。但是,有必要减轻PES的负面影响,包括PES和非PES家庭之间收入差距的扩大以及由于定居点和牲畜向目前未细分的牧区公地转移而造成的渗漏。



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