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Why foreign aid fails: lessons from Indonesia's economic collapse


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Financial assistance and debt forgiveness fail to engender economic growth. In fact, financial assistance and dept forgiveness inhibit growth by encouraging the rent-seeking behavior created by the post-colonial political economy which saps the cultural strength inherent in these societies and undermines the technical assistance the West could legitimately offer. This Note began by asking how the world's premier financial institutions could have failed to predict an economic collapse obvious to a third-world public high school student. The answer lied in a sad combination of misdiagnosis, inappropriate treatment, and physician arrogance. It is fitting to have begun this analysis with Indonesia and ended with an examination of debt relief's negative effects on HIPCs. In July 1999, precisely two years after holding the country up as a poster-child for foreign aid, an IFI success story, and a model for economic development, the World Bank declared Indonesia a HIPC. This rating was not precipitated by war, natural disaster or shocks to the nation's terms of trade. The economic policies for which Indonesia had been heralded had not changed. What had changed was that the facade had fallen, revealing what foreign aid donors had forgotten or never appropriately taken into consideration-the post-colonial political economy. Unfortunately, as exemplified by the World Bank and IMF's millennium-inspired debt-relief initiatives, they still ignore it as institutional inertia prevents the IFIs from abandoning their raison detre. Being declared a HIPC does not bode well for Indonesia's recovery. But if for all these years institutions such as the World Bank could claim Indonesia as a model of foreign aid's success, they must now accept it as the epitome of why foreign aid fails.
机译:财政援助和债务免除不能促进经济增长。实际上,财政援助和部门宽恕通过鼓励后殖民政治经济所创造的寻租行为抑制了这些社会固有的文化力量,并削弱了西方合法提供的技术援助,从而抑制了增长。本说明首先询问世界一流的金融机构如何无法预测对第三世界公立高中生显而易见的经济崩溃。答案在于误诊,不适当的治疗和医师的傲慢。从印度尼西亚开始进行这种分析,并以债务减免对重债穷国的负面影响作为考察结局是合适的。 1999年7月,就在该国成为外国援助的榜样,国际金融机构的成功故事以及经济发展的典范之后两年,世界银行宣布印度尼西亚为重债穷国。该评级并非因战争,自然灾害或对该国贸易条件的冲击而上升。印度尼西亚所宣扬的经济政策没有改变。所发生的变化是,外墙倒下了,显示出外国援助捐赠者忘记了或从未适当考虑过什么-后殖民政治经济学。不幸的是,正如世界银行和国际货币基金组织(IMF)提出的以千年为灵感的债务减免倡议所例证的那样,他们仍然无视这一点,因为体制上的惯性阻止国际金融机构放弃其存在的理由。被宣布为重债穷国对印度尼西亚的复苏不利。但是,如果这些年来,诸如世界银行这样的机构可以说印度尼西亚是外国援助成功的典范,那么他们现在必须接受印度尼西亚作为外国援助失败的缩影。



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