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Mannose-binding lectin: structure, function, genetics and disease associations


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Mannose-binding lectin (MBL), a serum protein characterised by both collagenous regions and lectin domains, plays an important role in innate immune defence. It binds to the repeating sugar arrays on many microbial surfaces through multiple lectin domains and, following binding, is able to activate the complement system via an associated serum protease, MASP-2. Serum levels of MBL are influenced by three mutations clustered in exon 1 of the gene and are further modulated by various promoter region polymorphisms. The exon 1 mutations lead to secondary structural abnormalities of the collagenous triple helix and a failure to form biologically functional higher order oligomers. There is an increased incidence of infections in individuals with such mutations and an association with the autoimmune disorders SLE and rheumatoid arthritis. Nevertheless, MBL genotyping of various populations has led to the suggestion that there may be some biological advantage associated with absence of the protein. These and other findings suggest that the concept of MBL as a protein involved solely in first line defence in an oversimplification and the protein should rather be viewed as having a range of activities including disease modulation.
机译:甘露糖结合凝集素(MBL)是一种以胶原蛋白区域和凝集素结构域为特征的血清蛋白,在先天免疫防御中起着重要作用。它通过多个凝集素结构域与许多微生物表面的重复糖阵列结合,结合后能够通过相关的血清蛋白酶MASP-2激活补体系统。 MBL的血清水平受基因外显子1中簇集的三个突变的影响,并受到各种启动子区域多态性的进一步调节。外显子1突变导致胶原三螺旋的二级结构异常,并且无法形成具有生物学功能的高级寡聚体。具有此类突变并与自身免疫性疾病SLE和类风湿性关节炎相关的个体感染的发生率增加。然而,各种人群的MBL基因分型已导致暗示,该蛋白质的缺乏可能具有某些生物学优势。这些和其他发现表明,MBL作为蛋白质的概念过于简单化只涉及一线防御,因此该蛋白质应被视为具有包括疾病调节在内的一系列活动。



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