首页> 外文期刊>Reviews in Immunogenetics >HLA transgenic mice as models of human autoimmune diseases

HLA transgenic mice as models of human autoimmune diseases


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MHC class II alleles have been linked to several human autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Type I diabetes, and multiple sclerosis (MS). Although the mechanisms by which expression of certain MHC class II molecules predispose an individual to a particular autoimmune disease are not known, it is clear that increased susceptibility is associated with the polymorphic regions unique to these predisposing HLA alleles. These polymorphic differences may influence susceptibility by selecting potential autoreactive T cells during thymic education. Alternatively, nonsusceptible alleles may either delete or fail to select these potential autoimmune T cells, thus reducing the possibility of developing disease. In the periphery, the unique specificity of the HLA molecule derived from a susceptible allele may then recognize and present an autoantigenic peptide or foreign peptide that may cross-react with an autoantigen, activating these autoreactive T cells and leading to disease. To dissect these possibilities and to determine the exact role of particular HLA-DR or DQ molecules in disease susceptibility, we have generated several lines of HLA-DR and DQ transgenic mice. In this review, we present data summarizing the functions of these HLA class II molecules using well-established mouse models for autoimmune diseases.
机译:MHC II类等位基因与多种人类自身免疫性疾病(例如类风湿关节炎(RA),I型糖尿病和多发性硬化症(MS))相关。尽管尚不知道某些MHC II类分子表达使个体易患特定自身免疫疾病的机制,但很明显,易感性增加与这些易患HLA等位基因所特有的多态性区域有关。这些多态性差异可通过在胸腺教育过程中选择潜在的自身反应性T细胞来影响易感性。或者,不敏感的等位基因可能会缺失或无法选择这些潜在的自身免疫性T细胞,从而降低了患病的可能性。在外围,源自易感等位基因的HLA分子的独特特异性可能会识别并呈递可能与自身抗原发生交叉反应的自身抗原肽或外源肽,从而激活这些自身反应性T细胞并导致疾病。为了剖析这些可能性并确定特定HLA-DR或DQ分子在疾病易感性中的确切作用,我们已经产生了几系HLA-DR和DQ转基因小鼠。在这篇综述中,我们提出了使用已建立的自身免疫性疾病小鼠模型总结这些HLA II类分子功能的数据。



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