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Fission track dating of mesozoic sandstones and its tectonic significance in the Eastern Sichuan Basin, China


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To establish the tectonic evolution of the eastern Sichuan basin, apatite fission track dating and time-temperature thermal history modeling were carried to analyze on 11 samples collected from Jurassic sandstones. The results indicate that the cooling and exhumation process of the eastern Sichuan basin can be divided into three stages since Cretaceous, (1) a rapid cooling phase between similar to 100 and similar to 70 Ma, (2) following by a period of relative thermal stability phase between similar to 70 and similar to 15 Ma, (3) and then a new rapid cooling stage after similar to 15 Ma. Two rapid cooling events imply that the eastern Sichuan basin once underwent two tectonic movements since Cretaceous. The first rapid cooling is associated with Mesozoic tectonic reactivation beginning at 100 Ma, which result in folds and faults of the eastern Sichuan basin. The second tectonic movement occurred at 15 Ma, which is related to denudation by compression resulting from the eastward growth of Tibetan plateau uplift.
机译:为了建立川东盆地的构造演化,对从侏罗纪砂岩采集的11个样品进行了磷灰石裂变径迹测年和时温热史模拟。结果表明,自白垩纪以来,川东盆地的冷却和回火过程可分为三个阶段,(1)类似于100Ma到70Ma的快速冷却阶段,(2)之后是一段相对热期。稳定阶段在相似的70和相似的15 Ma之间(3),然后在相似的15 Ma之后新的快速冷却阶段。两次快速降温事件表明,自白垩纪以来,川东盆地曾经经历过两次构造运动。第一次快速冷却与中生代构造活动于100 Ma开始有关,这导致了四川盆地东部的褶皱和断层。第二次构造运动发生在15Ma,与青藏高原隆升向东生长引起的受压剥蚀有关。



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