首页> 外文期刊>Radiation Physics and Chemistry >Isolation and characterization of mold fungi and insects infecting sawmill wood, and their inhibition by gamma radiation

Isolation and characterization of mold fungi and insects infecting sawmill wood, and their inhibition by gamma radiation


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This article describes the isolation, identification, and characterization of wood-rotting fungi and insects, and their inhibition was studied using gamma radiation. Products manufactured from plantation timber species are deteriorated by wood-rotting fungi such as Hypocrea lixii, Fusarium proliferatum, and Aspergillus flavus, and insects such as powderpost beetles. Proper preservation methods are necessary for ensuring a long service life of wood products. In this study, wood samples were treated with 2.5% copper ethanolamine boron (CEB) (10% w/v) and subsequently irradiated with gamma rays (10 kGy). It was observed that CEB-treated and gamma-irradiated samples controlled fungi and powderpost beetles significantly. As wood is a dead organic material, penetration of chemicals into it is very difficult. Gamma rays easily pass through wooden objects with hidden eggs and dormant spores of insects and fungi, respectively. Gamma irradiation was proved very effective in reducing damage caused by both fungi and insects. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本文介绍了木腐真菌和昆虫的分离,鉴定和表征,并使用γ射线研究了它们的抑制作用。由人工林木材制成的产品会被腐烂的木霉菌(例如Hypocrea lixii,枯萎镰刀菌和黄曲霉)和昆虫(例如粉刺甲虫)破坏。正确的保存方法对于确保木质产品的使用寿命非常必要。在这项研究中,木材样品用2.5%乙醇胺铜铜(CEB)(10%w / v)处理,然后用伽马射线(10 kGy)辐照。观察到,CEB处理和伽马射线辐照的样品可显着控制真菌和粉甲虫。由于木材是一种死有机材料,因此化学物质很难渗透到木材中。伽玛射线很容易分别穿过隐藏着卵和昆虫和真菌的休眠孢子的木制物体。事实证明,伽马射线辐照对减少真菌和昆虫造成的损害非常有效。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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