首页> 外文期刊>Radiochimica Acta: International Journal for Chemical Aspects of Nuclear Science and Technology >Mobility of uranium in tertiary argillaceous sediments - a natural analogue study

Mobility of uranium in tertiary argillaceous sediments - a natural analogue study


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The aim of the Natural Analogue study at Ruprechtov site (CZ) is to investigate the potential mobility of uranium in tertiary argillaceous sediments under representative Ion-term conditions. Such sediments often build up the overburden of host rocks for deep geological waste repositories. The Ruprechtov site represents a tertiary basin with argillized volcano-detritic sediments, which is surrounded by granite and underlain by kaolin and granite. U-enrichment mainly occurs in distinct layers of limited thickness on top of the kaolin close to aquiferous horizons and the clay-lignite seams. After a general survey of the site a new set of drillings has been sunk in 2002 in order to investigate the hydraulic, geological and chemical conditions of the area, including detailed investigations of kaolin and granite.Based on actual results new conceptual models for geological evolution and uranium transport pathways at Ruprechtov site have been developed. There is now strong evidence that U-migration at the site is mainly determined by three different processes: a) diffusion through kaolin, b) advection via fault zones across the kaolin and c) advection through aquiferous layers at the interface kaolin/Tertiary. Uranium source is the so-called Erzgebirgs- (Krusne hory) granite, underlying the Tertiary and kaolin and outcropping at the margins of the Tertiary basin.
机译:在Ruprechtov站点(CZ)进行自然模拟研究的目的是研究在代表性的离子条件下铀在第三泥质沉积物中的潜在迁移率。这些沉积物通常会在深层地质废物库中堆积主岩的覆盖层。鲁普列夫托夫(Ruprechtov)站点代表了一个第三纪盆地,其上有火山灰化的火山岩沉积物,周围环绕着花岗岩,高岭土和花岗岩则位于其下。 U富集主要发生在高岭土顶部,靠近含水层和粘土-褐煤岩接缝的有限厚度的不同层中。在对该地点进行了全面调查之后,为了调查该地区的水力,地质和化学条件,包括对高岭土和花岗岩的详细调查,于2002年进行了一系列新的钻探。根据实际结果,新的地质演化概念模型鲁普雷托夫(Ruprechtov)站点的铀运输途径已经开发出来。现在有充分的证据表明,该位置的U迁移主要由三个不同的过程决定:a)通过高岭土的扩散,b)通过高岭土的断裂带进行平流,以及c)通过高岭土/第三系界面的含水层对流。铀的来源是所谓的Erzgebirgs-(Krusne hory)花岗岩,位于第三纪和高岭土的下方,并在第三纪盆地的边缘露头。



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