首页> 外文期刊>Respiration: International Review of Thoracic Diseases >Methacholine-induced histamine liberation during airway challenge tests in Ascaris skin-sensitive sheep.

Methacholine-induced histamine liberation during airway challenge tests in Ascaris skin-sensitive sheep.


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The interaction of vagal neuronal and pharmacological mediator mechanisms on the airway-constrictory responses obtained from challenges with aerosolized methacholine (MCH) before and after bilateral vagotomy and in combination with electrical stimulation of the peripheral ends of the cut vagal nerves was investigated in anesthetized Ascaris allergen skin-sensitive sheep. Inhalation of aerosols of 2 and 5% MCH for 2 min in a control group of 10 sheep resulted in airway muscle constriction indicated by an increase in dynamic elastance (Edyn) (+70 and +256% of the basic value) or inspiratory airway resistance (RI) (+45 and +155%) and was associated with a significant rise in plasma histamine concentration (HiPl) from 0.2 +/- 0.2 to 0.9 +/- 1.1 and 1.5 +/- 1.2 ng/ml, respectively. Respiratory and cardiovascular responses to MCH were reproducible after 90 min of recovery. A second group of another 6 intact sheep showed similar alterations of respiratory mechanical parameters and HiPl after MCH challenges. After bilateral vagotomy, Edyn and RI increased after 2 and 5% MCH inhalation only by 15-30% of the control responses with intact vagi. The diminished airway constriction was associated with similar changes in HiP1 as observed with intact vagi. Inspite of severe cardiovascular responses, the most effective electrical stimulation of the peripheral ends of the vagal nerves resulted in an increase in Edyn or RI by only 40-50% of the basic value. In a tracheal segment beneath the cuff of the endotracheal tube isometric pressure effectively increased by almost 500% of the basic value. Vagus nerve stimulation was found without detectable changes in HiPl. Stimulation of the central ends of the vagal nerves did not induce airway constriction or alterations in HiPl. The combination of electrical vagus nerve stimulation and MCH inhalation resulted in a more than additive increase in Edyn and RI, but the airway responses did not reach the same level of obstruction after challenge with 5% MCH as observed with intact vagi. Electrical stimulation of the efferent vagi failed to stimulate spontaneous vagal nerve activity at higher levels of airway muscle responses. The results demonstrate that vagal neuronal mechanisms interact with local mediator liberation in acute airway obstruction. Airway challenge tests using cholinergic substances liberate histamine from inflammatory cells in the lungs of Ascaris skin-sensitive sheep.
机译:在麻醉的A虫过敏原中,研究了迷走神经元和药理介质机制对气管收缩反应的相互作用,该反应是通过气雾化乙酰甲胆碱(MCH)进行双侧迷走神经切除前后以及与刺激迷走神经末梢电刺激相结合而获得的。皮肤敏感的绵羊。在10只绵羊的对照组中,吸入2%和5%MCH的气雾剂2分钟,导致气道肌肉收缩,动态弹性(Edyn)(基本值的+70和+ 256%)或吸气道阻力增加(RI)(+45和+ 155%),并分别与血浆组胺浓度(HiPl)从0.2 +/- 0.2显着上升至0.9 +/- 1.1和1.5 +/- 1.2 ng / ml有关。恢复90分钟后,对MCH的呼吸和心血管反应可重现。在MCH攻击后,另一组另外6只完整的绵羊的第二组表现出相似的呼吸机械参数和HiP1改变。进行双侧迷走神经切断术后,吸入2%和5%的MCH后,Edyn和RI仅增加完整迷走神经对照反应的15-30%。如完整的迷走神经所观察到的,气道收缩的减少与HiP1的相似变化有关。尽管严重的心血管反应,迷走神经外围末端的最有效电刺激导致Edyn或RI升高,仅增加基本值的40-50%。在气管插管下方的气管段中,等距压力实际上增加了基本值的近500%。发现迷走神经刺激在HiP1中没有可检测到的变化。迷走神经中央末端的刺激未引起HiP1的气道收缩或改变。迷走神经电刺激和MCH吸入的结合导致Edyn和RI的加和增加更多,但用5%MCH刺激后气道反应未达到与完整迷走神经相同的阻塞水平。迷走神经的电刺激未能在气道肌肉反应较高水平刺激自发性迷走神经活动。结果表明迷走神经元机制与急性气道阻塞中的局部介质释放相互作用。使用胆碱能物质的气道激发试验从from虫敏感性皮肤的绵羊肺部的炎症细胞中释放出组胺。



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