首页> 外文期刊>Resources, Conservation and Recycling >A methodological framework for end-of-life management of electronic products

A methodological framework for end-of-life management of electronic products


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A growing number of regulatory interventions such as the European Union's Extended Polluter Responsibility Policy hold manufacturers accountable for the damage inflicted to the natural environment by their products. However, not all components of an industrial product have an equitable role regarding their overall burden to the environment. In this context, it is of great interest to manufacturers to identify and rank those components with the highest potential value at the end of their useful life, employing an array of economical and environmental criteria. In order to assist manufacturers on their decision-making for the optimal end-of-life alternatives for their products, the "Multicriteria Matrix" methodology has been developed. The methodology relies on multicriteria analysis and takes into consideration the residual weight, quantity and ease of disassembly of each component. With the environmental burden value,, developed methodology only those components that do not have any residual value end up in landfills, while the majority of the components are either reused or recycled. The application of the developed methodology is demonstrated employing a real-world case study; that of an ISDN network terminal. Finally, the paper is concluded by presenting interesting managerial insights that were obtained.
机译:越来越多的法规干预措施,例如欧盟的《扩大污染者责任政策》,要求制造商应对其产品对自然环境造成的损害负责。但是,并非工业产品的所有组件在对环境的总体负担方面都具有公平的作用。在这种情况下,制造商非常感兴趣的是,使用一系列经济和环境标准,在使用寿命结束时识别和分级具有最高潜在价值的那些组件。为了帮助制造商做出决策,为他们的产品选择最佳的使用寿命终止,开发了“ Multicriteria Matrix”方法。该方法依赖于多标准分析,并考虑了每个组件的剩余重量,数量和易于拆卸的特点。利用环境负担值,已开发的方法仅将那些没有任何剩余价值的组件最终填埋,而大多数组件将被重新使用或回收。通过实际案例研究证明了所开发方法的应用; ISDN网络终端的端口号。最后,本文通过介绍获得的有趣的管理见解来结束。



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