首页> 外文期刊>Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries >Characterization of invasive fish species in a river transposition region: evolutionary chromosome studies in the genus Hoplias (Characiformes, Erythrinidae)

Characterization of invasive fish species in a river transposition region: evolutionary chromosome studies in the genus Hoplias (Characiformes, Erythrinidae)


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Karyotypic analyses were performed in fishes from the genus Hoplias (H. malabaricus and H. lacerdae groups) from the ScDo Francisco River basin (Brazil), in an impacted region by a river transposition which altered the local ecology and fish fauna. The karyotypes were investigated using chromosomal markers obtained from classic and molecular cytogenetics (Giemsa, CMA and DAPI staining, C-banding, Ag-NORs, and FISH with 18S rDNA, 5S rDNA and 5SHindIII satellite DNA probes). Two karyotypic forms were found for the H. malabaricus groupkaryomorph F, corresponding to the native form from the ScDo Francisco River basin, and karyomorph A, corresponding to the invading form from the Upper ParancL River basin. Specimens from the H. lacerdae group exhibited striking chromosome differences in relation to the H. malabaricus group, thereby enabling good cytotaxonomic characterization and inferences regarding the karyotype evolution of these groups.
机译:在受河流域影响的受灾地区,改变了当地生态和鱼类区系,在受灾地区的ScDo Francisco河盆地(巴西)的Hoplias属(H. malabaricus和H. lacerdae组)的鱼类中进行了核型分析。使用从经典和分子细胞遗传学(Giemsa,CMA和DAPI染色,C带,Ag-NOR和FISH与18S rDNA,5S rDNA和5SHindIII卫星DNA探针)获得的染色体标记研究了核型。发现了马拉巴氏菌组karyomorph F的两种核型,分别对应于ScDo Francisco河流域的天然形态和karyomorph A,其对应于上Parancl流域的入侵形态。来自蕾丝菌组的标本显示出与马拉巴克斯菌组有关的惊人的染色体差异,从而使得能够进行良好的细胞分类学表征并推断出这些组的核型进化。



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