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A review of the world marine gastropod fishery: evolution of catches, management and the Chilean experience


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Marine mollusks are among the most important invertebrate fisheries in the world. The main classes of mollusk fished are Cephalopoda, Bivalvia and Gastropoda. Marine gastropods represent approximately 2 percent of the mollusks fished in the world. Several species of gastropods, such as Haliotis spp., Stroinbus spp., Busycon spp. and Concholepas concholepas, have high economic value in international markets and play important social roles in small-scale artisanal fisheries. In the past 25 years wild-stock catches of marine gastropods have increased from 75,000 mt in 1979 to 103,000 mt in 1996. During the same period the countries involved in gastropod landings rose from 23 to 47. Gastropods are fished mainly in: (1) the American continent, dominated by the extraction of the muricid "loco", C. concholepas, in Chile and Peru; strombid conchs, Strombus spp., in the Caribbean, and abalone, Haliotis spp., in California and the west coast of the Baja California peninsula; (2) Asia and Oceania, with thedominate abalone fishery, mainly in Australia and New Zealand, and the horned turban snail, Turbo truncatus, in Japan and Korea; (3) in Africa and Europe, the dominate species extracted are Haliotis midae, heavily fished in South Africa, and the common periwinkle, Littorina littorea, and the whelk Buccinum undatum, which are extracted in Europe.
机译:海洋软体动物是世界上最重要的无脊椎动物渔业之一。捕捞的软体动物的主要种类是头足纲,双壳纲和腹足纲。海洋腹足动物约占世界捕捞软体动物的2%。几种腹足动物的种类,例如Haliotis spp。,Stroinbus spp。,Busycon spp。和Concholepas conholepas,在国际市场上具有很高的经济价值,并在小型手工渔业中发挥重要的社会作用。在过去的25年中,海洋腹足动物的野生种群捕捞量从1979年的75,000公吨增加到1996年的103,000公吨。在同一时期,参与腹足动物登陆的国家从23个增加到47个。腹足动物的捕捞主要集中在:(1)在美洲大陆,以智利和秘鲁的鼠尾草C.conholepas的提取为主导;加勒比海的混血海螺(Strrombus spp。)和加利福尼亚和下加利福尼亚半岛的西海岸的鲍鱼Haliotis spp .; (2)亚洲和大洋洲,鲍鱼捕捞占主要地位,主要在澳大利亚和新西兰,而在日本和韩国,有角蜗牛,即Turbo藜。 (3)在非洲和欧洲,提取的主要物种是在欧洲大量捕捞的中型盐鸭(Haliotis midae),以及在欧洲提取的普通长春花,小立陶宛小立冬(Littorina littorea)和大螺B(Buccinum undatum)。



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