首页> 外文期刊>Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology: RTP >Evaluating consistency in the interpretation of NTP rodent cancer bioassays: An examination of mouse lung tumor effects in the 4-MEI study

Evaluating consistency in the interpretation of NTP rodent cancer bioassays: An examination of mouse lung tumor effects in the 4-MEI study


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The potential carcinogenicity of 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI) was evaluated in a National Toxicology Program (NTP) rodent cancer bioassay in Fischer 344 rats and B6C3F1 mice (NTP, 2007; Chan et al., 2008). The NTP concluded that there was "clear evidence of carcinogenic activity" in male and female mice, based on an increased incidence of lung tumors. The "category of evidence" that the NTP assigns to a rodent cancer bioassay outcome can have significant regulatory implications. This is especially important for 4-MEI, which forms in caramel colorings and other foods during cooking, with potential widespread human exposure in a broad spectrum of food and beverage products. A detailed analysis of all NTP mouse-lung-tumor-only carcinogens reveals that the proper call for lung tumors in the 4-MEI study should have been "some evidence" rather than "clear evidence" of carcinogenic activity for both male and female mice in order to be consistent with the NTP's interpretation of other mouse lung carcinogens showing a similar strength of response. Suggestions are given as to measures the NTP should consider in the preparation of some or all future Technical Reports in order to enhance consistency of interpretation of experimental results.
机译:在国家毒理学计划(NTP)啮齿动物生物测定中,对Fischer 344只大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠进行了评估,评估了4-甲基咪唑(4-MEI)的潜在致癌性(NTP,2007; Chan等,2008)。 NTP得出结论,基于肺肿瘤的发病率增加,雄性和雌性小鼠“有明确的致癌活性证据”。 NTP分配给啮齿动物癌症生物测定结果的“证据类别”可能具有重要的法规意义。这对于4-MEI尤其重要,4-MEI会在烹饪过程中形成焦糖色素和其他食物,并可能在广泛的食品和饮料产品中广泛暴露于人类。对所有仅NTP小鼠肺肿瘤致癌物的详细分析显示,在4-MEI研究中对肺部肿瘤的正确呼应应该是对雄性和雌性小鼠都具有致癌活性的“一些证据”,而不是“明确证据”为了与NTP对其他小鼠肺致癌物表现出相似反应强度的解释一致。提出了一些建议,建议NTP在准备某些或所有将来的技术报告时应考虑采取的措施,以增强实验结果解释的一致性。



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