首页> 外文期刊>Liver international : >Correlation of transcutaneous hepatic near-infrared spectroscopy readings with liver surface readings and perfusion parameters in a piglet endotoxemic shock model.

Correlation of transcutaneous hepatic near-infrared spectroscopy readings with liver surface readings and perfusion parameters in a piglet endotoxemic shock model.


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PURPOSE: To determine whether transcutaneous liver near-infrared spectrophotometry (NIRS) measurements correlate with NIRS measurements taken directly from the liver surface, and invasive blood flow measurements. PROCEDURE: Laparotomy was performed in 12 Yorkshire piglets, and ultrasound blood flow probes were placed on the hepatic artery and portal vein. Intravascular catheters were inserted into the hepatic and portal veins for intermittent blood sampling, and a pulmonary artery catheter was inserted via the jugular vein for cardiac output measurements. NIRS optodes were placed on skin overlying the liver and directly across the right hepatic lobe. Endotoxemic shock was induced by continuous infusion of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide O55:B5. Pearson's correlations were calculated between the NIRS readings and the perfusion parameters. FINDINGS: After endotoxemic shock induction, liver blood flow, and oxygen delivery decreased significantly. There were statistically significant correlations between the transcutaneous and liver-surface NIRS readings for oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, and cytochrome c oxidase concentrations. There were similar significant correlations of the transcutaneous oxyhemoglobin with both the mixed venous and hepatic vein saturation, and mixed venous and hepatic vein lactate. CONCLUSIONS: Transcutaneous NIRS readings of the liver, in an endotoxemic shock model, correlate with NIRS readings taking directly from the liver surface, as well as with global and specific organ-perfusion parameters.
机译:目的:确定经皮肝脏近红外分光光度法(NIRS)的测量值是否与直接从肝脏表面获取的NIRS值以及有创血流测量值相关。程序:对12只约克郡小猪进行剖腹手术,将超声血流探头置于肝动脉和门静脉上。将血管内导管插入肝和门静脉以进行间歇性血液采样,并通过颈静脉插入肺动脉导管以进行心输出量测量。 NIRS光电二极管放置在覆盖肝脏的皮肤上,并直接越过右肝叶。连续输注大肠杆菌脂多糖O55:B5可引起内毒素血症性休克。计算了NIRS读数与灌注参数之间的Pearson相关性。结果:内毒素性休克诱发后,肝血流量和氧气输送明显减少。氧合血红蛋白,脱氧血红蛋白和细胞色素C氧化酶浓度的经皮和肝脏表面NIRS读数之间存在统计学上的显着相关性。经皮的氧合血红蛋白与混合的静脉和肝静脉饱和度以及混合的静脉和肝静脉乳酸有相似的显着相关性。结论:在内毒素血症休克模型中,肝脏经皮NIRS读数与直接从肝脏表面获取的NIRS读数以及整体和特定器官灌注参数相关。



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