首页> 外文期刊>Lithos: An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry >Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of mafic xenoliths and volcanic rocks from the Oga Peninsula, Northeast Japan Arc: Genetic relationship between lower crust and arc magmas

Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of mafic xenoliths and volcanic rocks from the Oga Peninsula, Northeast Japan Arc: Genetic relationship between lower crust and arc magmas


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Whole-rock and constituent hornblende and plagioclase geochemical and isotopic compositions of 52 mafic xenoliths from the Ichinomegata maar in the Oga Peninsula, located on the backarc side of Northeastern Japan, were investigated to further understand the nature of lower crustal materials beneath the Oga Peninsula. The inter-rock variations in isotopic compositions (~(87)Sr/ssSr ratios of 0.703245-0.705246 and ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratios of 0.512910-0.512608) correlate negatively with ~(87)Rb/s6Sr and ~(147)Sm/~(144)Nd ratios. A continuous and arcuate trend in a Sr-Nd isotope diagram suggests a two-component mixing curve is present; at lower ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr and higher ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratios, this trend extends towards and partly overlaps Quaternary volcanic rock compositions from the Toga, Ichinomegata (xenolith-hosting pumice), and Kampu volcanoes on the Oga Peninsula (herein, Oga volcanic rocks). This overlapping suggests a common control on the isotopic variations within both xenoliths and volcanic rocks. This common control is most likely to be the metasomatism of intact original lower crustal material by parental magmas of the Oga volcanic rocks, herein termed the Oga parental magma, in addition to the contamination of the Oga parental magma by the crustal material after contact between the two. This metasomatism also caused isotopic re-homogenization of these constituent minerals, meaning hornblende and plagioclase within individual xenoliths have the same Sr-Nd isotopic compositions; i.e., they show no intra-rock variations, suggesting thermal re-setting. However, inter-rock variations imply that full metasomatism and destruction of the original isotopic and geochemical characteristics of the lower crust did not occur. These inter-rock variations are consistently present as changes in the geochemistry of constituent minerals, with K2O, Rb, Sr, Sm, and Nd concentrations varying in hornblende, and anorthite contents (An %) varying in plagioclase. The original lower crustal material, as one end-member of a mixing curve, is assumed to have a ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratio of 0.705250 and a ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratio of 0.512570, whereas the Oga parental magma, forming the other end-member on the mixing curve, has a ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratio of 0.702958 and a ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratio of 0.512933, as represented by Oga volcanic rocks with the lowest ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr and highest ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratios (stage 3 lavas from Kampu volcano near Ichinomegata maar). The isotopic compositions of other Oga volcanic rocks vary from the most contaminated Toga rhyolitic pumices (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr of 0.703723-0.703885 and ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd of 0.512906-0.512847) through to the Ichinomegata host pumice (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr of 0.703398 and ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd of 0.512895). This research indicates that both the Ichinomegata mafic xenoliths and the Oga volcanic rocks have undergone isotopic changes, creating an overlap in compositions caused by metasomatism and contamination, respectively. This relationship between lower crustal and volcanic rocks can be also be applied to trench-side volcanic rocks. If the Ichinomegata lower crustal material extends to the trench side of the NE Japan Arc, the island-arc tholeiites typically found within the volcanic front probably also contain a similar, if not identical, lower crustal component.
机译:对位于日本东北部后方一侧的大贺半岛Ichinomegata maar的52个镁铁质异质岩的整体岩石和构成的角闪石和斜长岩地球化学和同位素组成进行了研究,以进一步了解大贺半岛下方下部地壳物质的性质。岩石间同位素组成的变化(〜(87)Sr / ssSr比为0.703245-0.705246和〜(143)Nd /〜(144)Nd比为0.512910-0.512608)与〜(87)Rb / s6Sr和〜(147)Sm /〜(144)Nd比。 Sr-Nd同位素图中的连续弧形趋势表明存在两组分混合曲线。在较低的〜(87)Sr /〜(86)Sr和较高的〜(143)Nd /〜(144)Nd比率下,这种趋势向Toga,Ichinomegata(异岩体浮石)的第四纪火山岩成分延伸并部分重叠。和奥加半岛上的柬埔寨火山(此处为奥加火山岩)。这种重叠暗示了对异岩和火山岩中同位素变化的共同控制。这种共同的控制很可能是Oga火山岩的母岩浆对完整的原始下地壳物质的交代作用,这里称为Oga母岩浆,此外,Oga母岩浆之间的接触使地壳物质污染了Oga母岩浆。二。这种交代作用还导致这些构成矿物的同位素重新均化,这意味着单个异种岩中的角闪石和斜长石具有相同的Sr-Nd同位素组成;即,它们没有显示出岩石内部的变化,表明热复位。然而,岩石间的变化意味着没有发生完全交代作用和下地壳原始同位素和地球化学特征的破坏。这些岩石间的变化始终以构成矿物的地球化学变化的形式存在,角闪石中的K2O,Rb,Sr,Sm和Nd浓度变化,斜长石中的钙长石含量(An%)变化。原始的下部地壳材料,作为混合曲线的一个末端,假定其〜(87)Sr /〜(86)Sr比为0.705250,〜(143)Nd /〜(144)Nd比为0.512570,而形成混合曲线另一端的Oga亲本岩浆的〜(87)Sr /〜(86)Sr比为0.702958,〜(143)Nd /〜(144)Nd比为0.512933,以〜(87)Sr /〜(86)Sr最低和〜(143)Nd /〜(144)Nd比率最高的奥加火山岩为代表(Ichinomegata maar附近的坎普火山3期熔岩)。其他Oga火山岩的同位素组成从受污染最严重的Toga流纹粉尘(〜(87)Sr /〜(86)Sr为0.703723-0.703885和〜(143)Nd /〜(144)Nd为0.512906-0.512847)到chin鱼浮游生物宿主浮石(〜(87)Sr /〜(86)Sr为0.703398和〜(143)Nd /〜(144)Nd为0.512895)。这项研究表明,Ichinomegata镁铁质异质岩和Oga火山岩都经历了同位素变化,分别由交代作用和污染造​​成了成分的重叠。下地壳与火山岩之间的这种关系也可以应用于沟槽侧火山岩。如果Ichinomegata下部地壳物质延伸到NE Japan Arc的海沟一侧,那么通常在火山前缘发现的岛弧型冲孔岩可能也包含相似的(即使不是完全相同的)下部地壳成分。



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